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RE: Keep your LEO on HIVE

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I agree here.

I thought CUB was a great investment when it first started and I was all over it.

I heard promises about how there would be no rug pull and there would be lots of base uses and etc etc.

But here is my CUB at 0.09.

It's basically a bag.

I am weary about polyCUB too - and I am thankful for this article because I was starting to feel fomo.

But you can't have long term investments based on FOMO,and its too expensive to move money around instead of just staying put.

I like the "get rich slow" mentality of the blockchain, cause spoiler alert, its not that slow.

I like LEO and look forward to it growing, and don't much like that it is being syphoned out of, but all I can do is keep stacking, and keep delegating - it will just make it easier to earn more and I don'tbelieve it will turn into a bag.

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