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RE: Trends in Hive Distribution - An Ever Decreasing Orca Bubble...?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Have been testing the platform for over a month, posted daily and tried different communities and dapps.

So far have gathered 18HP and 4HBD, which does not even show in decimals, what comes to upvoting. So for beginners, the incentive to vote is pretty low.

Also with the limited actions, many people have chosen a different platform. It might be hard to see how it is for the small fish.

The amount of active users is a bit surprising, since only a few people seems to join in daily. Really see the potential, but some things are too off for the majority, probably.


I remember what it's like to start off, it is tough going - you really have to churn, comment and engage, AND TBH buy Hive - when you buy in people upvote you! It's much harder to earn you way up!

Yeah, most of my friends are not greedy, so the earning is not the point. Many think it is a scam, since one basically needs to buy Hive in order to have any effect or have priviledges to even use the blockchain (HP).

Having been in cryptos since the mining of BTC was done with Sempron processors,so kind of know what works and which things ruin a good idea. Thought the Sun incident taught something, not so sure anymore :P

This is not true as I haven't bought 1 Hive or 1 Steem. You have to realise it takes commitment and time in order to grow. I only started kicking off after 6 months. Just keep grinding away and you will see what is possible.