
The first saga that I fell in love with was "A Song of Ice and Fire," also known as " Game of Thrones. " For me, it's one of the most brilliant works out there, with its mix of political intrigue and fantasy elements !! !!! #got #book


I have read game of thrones and I love howit was written, I love the story line.

Oh, do you recomend to read it after the TV show was seen?

I love all the GoT books series!!! In my opinion they are much better than the TV series turned out to be. What a pity George RR Martin is stuck with the next book! We won't have a proper ending for such an amazing saga!!!

Another book that I'm tremendously passionate about is " The Name of the Wind. " Kvothe is one of the best characters I've ever followed, and his story is incredible!!! It was the first book that made me cry and smiling!!!


Majority of books you're mentioning here , I have not read them, that's mean you read a lot of novels.

ame completamente es librooooo!! Kvothe sra diferente, especial. definitivamente tengo que volver a leerlo.

Nice name but I haven´t heard about that book

The Saxon Stories" is another incredible series with 13 installments. For those who enjoy Norse culture and Vikings, it's a treat. You accompany Uhtred from his childhood to old age.

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"The Warlord Chronicles" is also fascinating, and you experience the story through the eyes of a loyal squire to King Arthur. If you want to learn more about the Arthurian legend, it won't disappoint!

The "Gentleman Bastard" trilogy is for those who dislike clichés. It's one of the best stories I've ever read, and it always has a surprising ending. Seriously, even when you know you'll be surprised, you're still more surprised!

Another book series that I loved reading was "The Farseer Trilogy." The story is masterfully crafted, and you suffer a lot with the main character, rooting for him to overcome his problems.

Finishing off withPrince of Thorns trilogy. This series surprised me with its parallel world concept. Its a medieval story set in a post-modern world, but you don't realize it until certain events unfoldIt's definitely worth checking out🧵8

And do you enjoy reading books? Have you read any of the ones I mentioned? Which of these stories interested you? If you want to know more about any of these or have other recommendations, just comment below!!!!

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I do enjoy reading books, but I thd many books here, I only read game of thrones, any recommendations for me?

Fiction is a genre that I like too. I enjoyed reading Eragon some years ago but then I didn´t go with the second book. I also read Harry Potter the first book and droped it in the second cause I had no time-will to read it 🤣

Hay varios que mencionaste que no he leido y me los apunté. Te recomiendo La rueda del tiempo de Robert Jordan, son casi 10 K de páginas llenas de alta fantasía al estilo de Tolkien, salvando las distancias. Tolkien era un genio sin igual

Yo nunca he leído la Rueda del Tiempo. Me gustó mucho Mundodisco de Terry Pratchet, aunque solo he leído algunos. Tolkien es de mis favoritos.

es laaaaargo, pero a mi me gusto mucho. no me aburrí en ningún momento y ya casi al final se me hizo corto 😅

Es como uno que se llama Mago. Super largo, pero buenísimo. Igual, se pasa muy rápido de leer. Al principio es medio infantil, pero luego se va poniendo muy bueno.

I do! Right now I'm re reading The Lord of the Rings! Such a masterful piece of work! I need to read some of those you recommended because I never heard of them! I'm into any kind of genre, but I love Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Historical Fiction.

here comes the great threadstorm, I'm sure it's gonna interesting, let me keep reading..

For real, you can finish 15 books, I love reading but not to the level of yours..

I confess that lately I haven't had that pace anymore due to lack of time. But this year, I managed to read a few books that were on my waiting list. It wasn't many, just 4, but they were great!

You're still trying, still making effort to read 4 books, mine is just one , because I still have to do some other things in school..

Well I did love reading books but that was long ago. I prefer e books now even know I hardly open them. 15 books a year is pretty impressive. I can’t finish a book in a whole year. Mehn🙂

I have never read any of the books you mentioned. Maybe it's because I prefer manga, anime, light/web novels over actual physical books. #whitelions

Wow this thread is definitely for @janetedita, who likes to read a huge amount of books. Let´s read your thread and see some titles that you like. Hope to see Lord of The Rings on it. We have been talking of it.

Ufff leer es mi principal actividad de entretenimiento. No hay dia que pase sin leer al menos unas cuantas paginas. Yo leo un poco más que 15 libros al año 😅. Y si, por supuesto menos de 500 páginas es casi un cuento 🤣

wowww the only ones I've known are the ones from Game of Thrones, the rest I didn't know, I'm going to look for them to see if I decide to read any ;)