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RE: LeoThread 2024-05-25 15:58

in LeoFinancelast month

Haha how did he have it ready so quick

50 Cent sells documentary on Diddy sex assault allegations to Netflix after ‘massive bidding war’

#newsonleo #diddydidit


Was it that cheap? Just 50 cents?

no no. 50 cent is a person

I thought human trafficking was quite expensive. I guess I could purchase some of those 50 cent people ;)

Sex sells!!!

#sexonleo 😬

When? We need it to start. Get adult content going, it adds mullions to market cap.

I like the thought of mullions

Hard to type on a Saturday. The skills decline on the weekend.

i don't know man. Pretty sure mullions is a thing

If Google can become a thing so can mullions.

Sex does sell. Plus as a company you can take a 20%-30% cut like onlyfans lol

Until onlyfans goes out of business...which it is likely to do.

People, i.e. guys are waking up to the farse there. Dating apps are also destined for bankruptcy court.