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RE: Closed Doors of Gold

Reminds me kind of how in my twenties I started to work in a company, on some crazy schedule, 3PM to 3AM, Monday to Saturday, doing some accounting. While I cannot complain, did the job during my accounting degree and a bit after, for 10 years, and this helped me, they did not went up with the wages as the time passed by. Used with the crazy amount of work, used to drink up to 6 litres of Cocal Cola daily to cope with the tiredness. When I left, they needed to hire 2 people full time and one half time to do what I was doing. Got a much better job though, after few tries. But it was never about money, stayed there 10 years, could walk to work, 10 munites away, and it was easy for me, even if the volume was high.


There are benefits outside of the paycheck. The people who are working for a paycheck alone, tend not to last anywhere for too long, which comes with its own problems down the track also.