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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 17 - Saturday 23 April 2022 | SPI Giveaway! | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Thanks for the mention! I will write a post soon. In the meanwhile, I have made my first two delegations, to understand, hands on, how that mechanism works.
I would love to have your support!


Hello @mikezillo, so pleased to have you with us 😍.

Two good choices for your first delegations. I guess which curators you choose depends on what you want to achieve: @ocd and @curie have skilled curators who know something about the topics they are curating, so they contribute to quality. I is a good way to ensure votes are widespread.

You can find some help about vests in this post. It talks about STEEM, but it is similar for HIVE.

What do you think of the question in the post: what is the best price to set the new miners at?

Thanks for your advice for curators and your suggestion with the Vests article.
In the meanwhile I decided to delegate more HPs, also to @appreciator and @blocktrades

I want to keep my delegated HPs as more decentralized as I can, and as I receive HPs from my articles, I will delegate them, to support the voting system!

In my opinion, the 100k miners with a 0.25$ scenario is the most advisable in a pure decentralization perspective.

It's not possible to have pure decentralisation with Hive Engine tokens.