
That’s true and before you know it we will all have a chuck of Leo tokens. I try to vote on any thread I engage with when my network is good. When the network is bad it’s frustrating so I usually can’t vote 😂

we will all have a chuck of Leo tokens

Could not get it. Can u plz elaborate?

When you have Leo power and vote in threads people get Leo.

I see. Just tell me one thing, there is no such limitation or threshold in Leo reward, right? In Hive reward, it has to be $0.02 or more to ensure author gets reward at the end of 7 days, there is no such concept in Leo right?

There should be. I’ve not taken out time to look at it but there should be. For starters all you have to do is buy Leo and stake it and then you can now vote on threads and spread Leo. Just like Hp your stake counts on the Leo you can give.

Okay and the reward split is 50/50 just like Hive??

am not sure about that 😂. I just vote. I’ll have to read more on that. But even when you vote on Leofinance the person gets hp, hbd and Leo