
In a hurry and that's why I forget. 😅

Thanks for the reminder though.

oh yep sometimes you forget 😂. Add it to what you do and you won’t forget 😂

Looks like forgetfulness made you unable to vote for threads of other #LeoThreads users. 😅


Yes, I agree on this, even if we don't have sufficient LEO POWER we should inculcate a habit of voting when we engage and like the content, that's intrinsic to engagement.

That’s true and before you know it we will all have a chuck of Leo tokens. I try to vote on any thread I engage with when my network is good. When the network is bad it’s frustrating so I usually can’t vote 😂

we will all have a chuck of Leo tokens

Could not get it. Can u plz elaborate?

When you have Leo power and vote in threads people get Leo.

I see. Just tell me one thing, there is no such limitation or threshold in Leo reward, right? In Hive reward, it has to be $0.02 or more to ensure author gets reward at the end of 7 days, there is no such concept in Leo right?

There should be. I’ve not taken out time to look at it but there should be. For starters all you have to do is buy Leo and stake it and then you can now vote on threads and spread Leo. Just like Hp your stake counts on the Leo you can give.

Okay and the reward split is 50/50 just like Hive??

I vote 5% with almost all threads I interact with. That saying, I interact with so many threads ha ha

I try my best to vote too. But I won’t lie, when I have bad network I almost don’t. It’s frustrating try to reply a thread and also trying to vote with a poor network. But when it’s good I do vote on every thread I engage with

Yea, I see not many click that heart even tho it's just one click required with 5%.

Mine voting power is always low since pressing that heart damn hard.

That's great. I love seeing mine below 70% but giving away 5% doesn’t really hurt most people voting power

Yea man, it's just about not being used to or used to with clicking on upvote.

Those who do on regular basis doesn't miss.

Am already used to it now😂. Lol, I didn’t stake Leo just to leave it to waste