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RE: The real problems that prevent HIVE and LeoFinance from growing as platforms and projects

though if you butt in on the wrong topic with the wrong person and all your work will be ignored or demonetized just like on Youtube.

That also depends on how you handle it, just like in real life. I'm not saying it's right, but I still know those who do well despite having upset some whales. They may not get support from those whales, but they still get support from others because they didn't just grumble about the platform as a whole.

I too was disappointed about Kenny, but had he chose to he could still have carried on here. I don't blame him for the choice he made, though, he stuck to his beliefs.

I think early on many of us had ideas of what we thought the platform could be and the freedom of speech it could offer, but there are always those who disagree with what's being said and will try to silence that, if they have the power to do so. That's why I say it's how you play the game. In addition to that, what results you want from the game will influence how you play it. You are still here after nearly 7 years, so you obviously get something from Hive and you are still playing the game in the way that suits you.

General complaining about the platform has a tendency to put everyone off the complainer, because while we understand the problems here, not everyone here is causing them. In fact, the majority aren't, but when someone blanket complains it kind of feels like they're lumping everyone in. In this way they (inadvertently?) end up turning more people on them including those who might have supported them.

I'll admit I don't know what the Leo finance side of things is like as I use it so little. I have heard things on the grapevine though...


Oh, I'm not here in any real capacity and am definitely not the 'go along to get along type.' Hive has only 12000 active users out of 3 million accounts because its flaws outweigh its benefits and has shown it's not the facebook killer nor any other big centralized media platform killer. The decentralized nature of Hive is why it can't find anyone to help it shake those flaws. There's no incentive to fix it.

There is no simple fix to human nature. 😜 😆