The real problems that prevent HIVE and LeoFinance from growing as platforms and projects

in LeoFinancelast year

Over time I have read a lot about how to make LeoFinance and HIVE grow in the future. While some say that the SEO of these platforms must be strengthened, others say that it is only a matter of time before these platforms grow and become globally important, to the point of being like the largest social networks today.



What you are going to read below is my understanding of everything that is happening with HIVE and LeoFinance since its inception, and I don't give a bleech if anyone thinks everything I am going to mention is good or bad, correct or incorrect. This is what I've been seeing for a long.

The nitty-gritty here

We all know that HIVE and LeoFinance are revolutionary social platforms, framed in the field of cryptocurrencies and Web 3.0; and both things have a great future ahead; but the problem is that time passes, and we do not see significant growth in either of them.

Because it is obvious that the growth of HIVE and LeoFinance have a symbiotic relationship with the growth of user accounts who frequently write on them. For this reason, it is impossible for one thing to occur without the other.

However, we see over time that there are many people who are writing quality posts on these platforms (and they do so frequently), who are not getting any reward for their posts. Now, according to simple logic this can be due to one of two things, on the one hand this speaks to the weakness of HIVE and LeoFinance as little-known social platforms that they still are, because it indicates that large accounts lack sufficient voting power to support the accounts of the minnows that are trying to feed and grow within the ecosystem.

Or on the other hand, the reality can be much worse still; because it may be that there is favoritism on the part of the large accounts (dolphins and whales) within HIVE and LeoFinance, to only support the accounts of certain people. This hurts the growth of both platforms, because it's a totally wrong approach.

The growth of HIVE and LeoFinance is supposed it must be organic and as natural as possible, and yet we see how many users who just write a post with a couple of paragraphs of text, earn tens of dollars (and even hundreds of dollars) with each publication what do they do.

We are clear that the growth of HIVE and LeoFinance as platforms and projects depend on the growth of their authors and users, and vice versa, the growth of its users will depend, in turn, on the growth of both platforms. So a behavior of favoritism towards certain accounts does little or nothing to help the progress of these platforms.

Many will say that getting rewards for our posts require from writing daily and being persistent in the interaction on these platforms, but it is not as simple as that; because it is a fact that we see that most of the accounts of people who write quality posts on a daily or almost daily basis are being barely rewarded, or completely ignored.

And it's not about being envious here; because on the contrary, the reality is that I am perfectly happy that authors who write quality posts frequently are obtaining significant and frequent rewards on these platforms; but it really disappoints me to see so many people trying hard (me included) writing posts frequently that are always ignored in the most vile way.

No, in HIVE and in LeoFinance there is no censorship, that's true, but it seems that, with their favoritism, the big accounts of the platforms have blocked the growth possibilities of whoever they don't like. I don't know, at least this is the impression that this whole situation is giving me.

Nor is it about audience creation, nor about the communities in which we publish, it is about a whole problem that is hampering the growth of these platforms and its users.

Why HIVE and LeoFinance are still not growing significantly

For all that has been said, many later complain that there is no significant growth on the part of LeoFinance and HIVE, but... How could there be? Because in addition to everything mentioned, other problems are added that I have not yet mentioned here.

Many believe that HIVE and LeoFinance are indeed growing in importance for the simple fact that there are more and more users on the platform, and for the fact that some users are being well rewarded and growing significantly. But that is not the true sign of growth to look for. Because either you grow in a sustained and constant way; according to some clear parameters, or nobody will be able to grow at all; That is a fact.

Because while it is true that the growth of the account of a user who is just starting out in HIVE and LeoFinance should take a consistent time of work, it is also true that most users do not achieve such growth.

That is why we see so many abandoned accounts on these platforms, so many that they already seem like ghost towns; because many users start writing posts on LeoFinance and HIVE and after having written and interacted on these platforms for a month or two, they fail to advance anything significantly. In view of this, they are disappointed and completely abandon any attempt to continue writing or interacting on these platforms.

I myself have been tempted to do the same, because I am very disappointed that I have been in HIVE and LeoFinance for a long time writing quality posts to get pennies in rewards or no rewards at all. And be careful, I am not on these platforms for mere economic interest, but I do want my effort to be valued and understood, and I don't feel that this is happening in this case.

Be careful, I am not being pessimistic, nor am I saying that it is not possible to make HIVE and LeoFinance grow over time, what I am really saying here is that those of us who are users of these platforms are focusing very badly on the things that can produce the growth the same. In any case, the issue is about making organic growth exist on these platforms. And more than the favoritism, which also exists and a lot, is the fact that the growth of HIVE and LeoFinance has been very poorly addressed.

Because while incentivizing users to PowerUp their earnings is a positive thing around the growth of these platforms, the focus should be primarily around SEO.

In this case, users like @taskmaster4450 believe that only through internal link building will they make a platform like LeoFinance and the @LeoGlossary project grow over time; but the point is that they are forgetting something fundamental. Because while internal link building is important for SEO, external link building is even more so.

And what is the external link building in this sense? They are the links that we build or put on other social platforms or pages, or blogs, so that they point to our projects or platforms (in this case towards HIVE and LeoFinance). But be careful, external link building must be done with even greater care than internal link building, because it requires us to choose websites that have good domain authority and page authority to place the links to our projects.

What is this about?? Two things, on the one hand, when doing external link building we are bringing to LeoFinance and HIVE link juice from other websites; and on the other hand, if the website from which we are linking does not have a good reputation (authority or domain), then it would end up harming the SEO of HIVE and LeoFinance instead of benefiting it.

Another thing that I think is failing a lot at the level of growth and focus of LeoFinance and HIVE, is the fact that the posts are not well connected. That is, due to the nature of these platforms, each time we write a post, it only matters while it is active (the 7 days that the post lasts until the reward is collected or not); but after that the post becomes completely forgotten, and no one remembers it or links it or mentions it.

Something that does not happen when we have a blog or web page in which we must pay for the hosting and development of the entire project; Because in this case, we promote each article we write a lot through various means, and we link and reference it from many other posts that end up making the link juice grow at the SEO level of the entire website.

One very important thing in this whole approach is that we should always focus on making quality posts. I mean, all the posts we made should be made of quality, and when I say quality, I mean that they are "evergreen" themes or themes that are always current and important; and should always be referenced from other posts (ours and of others). This will help, together with the external link building that we do, to strengthen the SEO of these platforms.

By improving the SEO of HIVE and LeoFinance, it is a fact that both platforms will become better known, and more users will register and interact with them, and the market capitalization of HIVE and LeoFinance will increase over time, but the work To achieve this, it must be addressed in a laborious and disciplined manner by all of us who write on these platforms.

I don't know if I already have the strength or desire to achieve such a thing; In other words, I don't know if I will continue to commit to my growth on these platforms, because given the little recognition and interaction my posts receive (and beware, I'm not just talking about rewards here); I'm not very sure if I'll stop to write in HIVE and LeoFinance or not.

In any case, it is not something that I think anyone will care about; because my posts aren't generating the slightest bit of interest from anyone here, so maybe I'm just saying this to the wind.

Honestly, I hope that HIVE and LeoFinance grow over time as projects and platforms, so I hope that things improve in the future and that everything I have said in this post is taken into account by the big accounts (the accounts of whales and dolphins) on the platform.

Getting rewarded through our publications is not just about whether we make long or short posts, nor about whether we write frequently or not; Far from it, it is only about the level of interaction that we maintain with the accounts of other users on the platforms; instead it is a whole compendium of many things; and I think it also requires some luck. The fact is that I know this and now you know it too; but will we achieve success in the future with our HIVE and LeoFinance accounts?? I have no idea about it, it's the pure truth.

What do you think about the topic discussed? Please comment.

Gif created by @piensocrates

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


OMG, it appears you are completely right, especially from your own perspective! I mean, this is an excellent post, maybe a bit long for your average reader (I have to admit I skimmed over a few paragraphs myself), but still A+ quality. However, this is not reflected in the payout... at all! Makes me wonder why.

So I did something I haven't done in a while, and took a good look at your profile. And try as I might, I could not find a fault in it. You've been on the blockchain for over four years, posting regularly, and in general your articles are quality stuff. So how come many of them have been voted on by less than ten people? In fact, your last post where the number of upvotes was in the triple digits was a month ago! No wonder you have the impression you are being intentionally ignored (in the most vile way).

So how come the whales and dolphins didn't see the quality of your posts? And I shouldn't exclude myself, since aparently I'm a dolphin too. The truth is, up until now I didn't even know you existed. What caught my attention was how your post was in the curated list on LeoFinance, with a highly favorable ratio of voters (still under 40) and reward (more than two bucks). Of course I was going to give you a 100% upvote (just for my own selfish reasons), but then your title seemed interesting enough to read through the post and now I'm almost composing an entire new post as a comment.

So how can you, and the thousands of Hivers out there who share your situation, make sure this kinda thing will keep happening more often? How can you get others to see your good posts? Communities may be the answer, though in my five years on Hive I have seen them come and go. Many of them are a mere shadow of their former self. Not LeoFinance, of course, they are going towards the opposite extreme, where it may seem to be growing into an entirely new platform. But many others are sort of... stagnating? I remember many of them used to be super vibrant, but then somehow they fell by the wayside, being replaced by others. Still, I think it may be worth to join some, depending on the content you like to write. If not for the rewards, simply for exposure, and hopefully some interaction.

By the way, there is no good advice coming, just speculation, since I don't have any good solutions myself. For now I'm going to do the usual vote (done), comment (doing now), follow you, and share your post over Threads, as well as reblog it, though the latter I honestly don't really see the point of.

Oh yeah, and maybe someone else has some good ideas to add!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you very much for the support, @stortebeker, it's good to know that you found excellent my publication, eso me motiva mucho. The truth is that, as an author, I have felt very ignored on these platforms, despite having been writing on them for quite some time (especially on HIVE). Discouragement and disappointment get the best of me sometimes, but I try to move on as best I can.

I also thank you for taking the time to review my profile and realizing that I've not achieve success due to lack of perseverance. The truth is, I think there are many problems that prevent these platforms from growing properly, and there are also many problems that prevent our accounts from being successful. Personally, I also think choosing a community and writing on it's part of the solution, but only a part.

I only exposed on this article the problems that I see about growing on HIVE and LeoFinance, and showed some things that come to mind as solutions; but the exact answer to how we can be successful with our HIVE and LeoFinance accounts I don't have exactly either. However, I am still looking for that answer.

I thank you for the support and for your comment and vision of the things that I exposed in my post. And now you will also have me as a new follower.

A cordial greeting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, even if we take the monetary rewards out of the equation, there should still be a reason for blogging. And that could be reflected in simply the number of people looking at it. But honestly, your blog reminds me of my pre-blockchain attempts at blogging, which kinda felt like shouting into an empty room. Nobody cared what I wrote because nobody saw it. Not so here on Hive. And yes, while I agree there are certain imperfections, in this point there are certainly things that can be done.

Well, the truth is, that's exactly how I feel, like someone screaming in an empty room. I hope things improve in the future for both these platforms and me. Thanks for your comment and support. Greetings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

when I was a new user I experienced the same frustrations as you, sometimes taking hours to write a post but getting few comments and few upvotes.
Then I started interacting more and more and the comments to my posts and interactions increased.
My advice is to interact more and more and write more comments than posts.
I looked at your interaction level and your interaction level is too low.


Instead, this is my level of interaction


I know very well that if I want to increase the rewards of my posts, I have to increase my level of interaction even more.

Often people who get good rewards but write short posts are because they interact a lot

This is the advice I feel I can give you to help you based on my personal experience on Hive.
Commit to interacting more, read other authors' posts and write at least 20 comments for every post you publish and you will see that your results and followers will increase ;)

In any case, it is not something that I think anyone will care about; because my posts aren't generating the slightest bit of interest from anyone here, so maybe I'm just saying this to the wind.

I like your posts but if you don't increase your level of interaction you will always tell it to the wind but it's not all the wind's fault ;)

!discovery 25

Geez, what you're advising me to do is insanely laborious, but if it's the thing to do, then I'll have to at least try. I never thought that excessive interaction (so to speak), was so important to grow here.

The truth is that I appreciate your advice and your look at my situation. I really believe that what you are recommending is very accurate and precise, and for that reason I will listen to you; I will try to interact as you suggest, that is, I will try to make at least 20 comments on other people's posts for each post I make.

My respects and my regards.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The problem is human nature, selfishness, greed and all these arise from the POS algo that guarantees an Oligarchy will form everytime. Much of what you say is true and simply details the points I make above.

The problem is the governance system that allows you to buy your power and/or ride the coat tails of those in power to disproportionately hand out power to those you like, rather than those who add value to the platform.

On top of that, if the platform grows too much and the stake becomes more balanced out, the Whales lose both their power and high earnings. It's not in their best interest that Hive actually grows.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm not going to say that these aspects aren't in play, but there's much more to it than just this. Taking human nature into account and playing the game well, you can still bring attention to your work and do well. Hive is like an online reflection of the real world. Human nature exists here just as it does in real life. How would you become successful in real life? How would you navigate human nature and market yourself as a business? If you can answer that, then you can learn how to do the same here.

Kind of and I know what you mean, though if you butt in on the wrong topic with the wrong person and all your work will be ignored or demonetized just like on Youtube. I've been here since 2016 and know how it works intimately. Most put in a lot of work, which is what it is, work and get nowhere. They work as hard as a 40 hr a week job for pennies on the dollar. Some like you can say what you did, because you made it, mostly, but you are the exception, not the rule.

My comment wasn't detailed, which I acknowledged. It's a summary of the exact reasons Hive has never taken off and why the whales aren't in the forefront of trying to get Hive noticed seriously. That's because they have no incentive to do so and there are consequences for them instead. On top of that, when they run off users who are popular with high stakes over subjective ideals, they further hurt the platform. They did exactly that when they ran out Kenny and showed the world that censorship does exist here and it's just as ugly as on any centralized platform.

Everything you say is very strong, @alphahippie, but I perceive, from everything I have experienced here personally, that you are very right in everything you say.

The truth is that I believe that HIVE and LeoFinance must change so that they can improve; And in order to change, the whales and dolphins have to change their approach, and start supporting more to people like you and me, who make a daily effort to interact and create quality content on these platforms.

Until that happens, we minnows have a very difficult time growing in HIVE and LeoFinance (if we manage to grow at all); but as a counterpart, these platforms will also have a very difficult time to become truly successful.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol, I stopped using Hive seriously a long time ago. My latest posts are on a frontend that posts here, but isn't quite here. I've given up on that platform as well.

though if you butt in on the wrong topic with the wrong person and all your work will be ignored or demonetized just like on Youtube.

That also depends on how you handle it, just like in real life. I'm not saying it's right, but I still know those who do well despite having upset some whales. They may not get support from those whales, but they still get support from others because they didn't just grumble about the platform as a whole.

I too was disappointed about Kenny, but had he chose to he could still have carried on here. I don't blame him for the choice he made, though, he stuck to his beliefs.

I think early on many of us had ideas of what we thought the platform could be and the freedom of speech it could offer, but there are always those who disagree with what's being said and will try to silence that, if they have the power to do so. That's why I say it's how you play the game. In addition to that, what results you want from the game will influence how you play it. You are still here after nearly 7 years, so you obviously get something from Hive and you are still playing the game in the way that suits you.

General complaining about the platform has a tendency to put everyone off the complainer, because while we understand the problems here, not everyone here is causing them. In fact, the majority aren't, but when someone blanket complains it kind of feels like they're lumping everyone in. In this way they (inadvertently?) end up turning more people on them including those who might have supported them.

I'll admit I don't know what the Leo finance side of things is like as I use it so little. I have heard things on the grapevine though...

Oh, I'm not here in any real capacity and am definitely not the 'go along to get along type.' Hive has only 12000 active users out of 3 million accounts because its flaws outweigh its benefits and has shown it's not the facebook killer nor any other big centralized media platform killer. The decentralized nature of Hive is why it can't find anyone to help it shake those flaws. There's no incentive to fix it.

There is no simple fix to human nature. 😜 😆

It seems simple if you put it that way, @minismallholding, but actually I think it's a much more complex matter than that. What I'm talking about is that it's not just about getting attention here in order to be successful on these platforms; instead you have to receive support from important accounts (such as those of whales and dolphins) to be able to grow; and if they completely ignore you, then you're screwed. But I understand your point. Thanks for comment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have actually come across a few accounts where they regularly get good rewards without any single significantly large votes. Instead they get a lot of smaller votes which add up. They've reached this point by getting to know a lot of people, by being active in communities they like and/or by helping others. Hive is big enough for this to happen now. That said, you may have to be active in a variety of communities. I notice you mainly post in Leo finance and I have heard it's a harder clique to get into. Do you have interests other than finance? You may find things differnt in other communities.

It seems to me that you have hit the nail on the head with what you have just explained, although you approached it in a much more technical way than I did. This being the problem, a lot has to change so things can get better in the future. Let's hope, for the sake of these platforms and those of us who use them, that everything changes for the better in the future.

Greetings and thanks for reading, commenting and supporting my post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are many points of your publication in which I fully agree, only in some of them do I have a different vision, which means nothing more than that, a different vision.

In fact, I have published on different occasions some of the things that you have put in this great article, mine is always more diplomatic, not to say cowardly and I never dared to expose all this so crudely.

Surely I will talk about this, perhaps today since for a personal matter today I have not published anything as I usually do every morning.

Best regards @piensocrates

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for your comment, @hosgug. The truth is that what I expose in this article is the result of my experience of a long time, and I tell you that I also inhibited myself for a long time from expressing things in such a crude and sincere way; but then I understood that it is not worth restricting our own freedom of expression, because it prevents other people from seeing the problem, and prevents the ecosystem from improving in the future.

My best regards to you too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the support! Greetings!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nothing to add here. Spot on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you so much. Greetings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is social media, best thing to do is connect with people.
Leave a reply on posts, people will have a look at your blog.

Certainly this is social media and interaction is key to growth, so I understand your point of view, but the truth is that what you are saying, although it should always be like this, is not always the case.

Greetings and thanks for reading, commenting and supporting my post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The easy way to increase mass adoption will be the external subscription form, so people who are not reading within Hive, can enter their email to receive new content notifications.

Perhaps that will be part of the solution to the problems mentioned. Greetings.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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