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RE: Tron's USDD Fails to Regain Peg in Last 56 Hours... Is USDD Another UST in Making?

in LeoFinance • 2 years ago

I just know that I will not get even close to it... lol...

I think many of us share that sentiment. And quite a few of those are secretly laughing 😆. In fact, I'd pay money to see the weasel's face right now 🤣


tbh, I couldn't care less for things that are happening around Tron, but I don't like to see good people lured into that mess and lose money...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Me too. I hate Sun and shit chain he have created.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True. There's always a bunch of people who suffer because of it.
It's always a shitty thing when something like this happens.