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RE: Q4 Money - Everything is going up

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Ah now this is why q4 is the money go up time, the analysis makes a lot of sense. I always wondered.

Apparently we are going to experience an unbelievable Q4 in the crypto world that will no doubt blow away anything I've ever achieved in any other make money online thing that I've ever done. I'm very much looking forward to it.

And so am I, I was recently discussing this with Nonso few days back. Then also, what if the markets never corrects after all the q4 run as many believe, what if it just continues to go up or holds steady at the top. Wishful thinking maybe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks man. Yeah it's been like that for decades, if not centuries. It's more pronounced now with Internet retail. The amount of money that gets moved during this Q4 period is totally insane. Let's get a little bit of it man :)