Advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency

in LeoFinance3 years ago

The number of cryptocurrencies around the world reached about 4,337 currencies, with a market value of $ 1.003 trillion, but Bitcoin holds the largest share with 66%, with a market value of $ 664 billion.
Advantages of digital currency:
Quick Payment: International money transfers abroad: international foreign currency transactions, price, cost, exaggerated, to transfer money, share, money, ... In turn, commercial digital currencies make the transaction faster and less expensive,” according to Wargwell, CEO of
Disadvantages of digital currency:
Availability of Too Many Coins Right Now: The current popularity of digital currencies is actually a downside. There are a lot of digital currencies being created via different “blockchain” chains and they all have their own limitations.
It takes effort to learn how to use it: Cryptocurrencies need hard work on the part of the user to learn how to perform basic tasks with them, such as how to open a digital wallet and store digital assets securely, but for digital currencies to be adopted more widely, the system must become more simplified . Blockchain transactions can be expensive: Cryptocurrencies use blockchains, where computers have to solve complex equations to verify and record transactions. Obviously, this requires a large amount of electrical energy consumed, and the cost increases accordingly because there are more transactions. Big fluctuations in

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