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RE: A simple bear among the complicated bulls

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Well the operative term was " high risk". I certainly don't feel the largest wealth sector falls under high risk. I think their investments are more than likely pretty solid.

You mention you think " quite a few" in poor countries use it. Well i looked into that a bit especially with places like Venezuela. In an attempt to understand if this is the case you'd think the entire nation would be using crypto instead of a falling bolivar

To my surprise after some study found that many who use crypto weren't poor in the terms we think of at all. Some were part of the richer class and just using arbitrage between their countries economic stability and stronger nations economies to gain more value. The unfortunate part is the poor people who needed to use crypto weren't using it all. Due to either no access .. device or some issue there. Whatever the case was it wasn't significantly serving them which to me made sense. If it is the case crypto can solve their problems then i'd imagine it would be alot more adoption. So i don't think its from lack of awareness.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think their investments are more than likely pretty solid.

I think that they are far from, but the people that pay the price for that risk are the rest of us. Most of the transactions in derivatives are OTC and unregulated.

There are quite a few people on Hive who use their earnings to make ends meet in some of the poorer countries. When it comes to other cryptos, I have no idea.