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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 17 - Saturday 23 April 2022 | SPI Giveaway! | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Good luck to all you savers! The lower the miner cost the better IMO.

Have a great weekend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Welcome @mypathtofire 😍

Thank you for your input about the miners! Are you going to join the Savers? We meet every weekend, usually Saturdays but occasionally on Sundays.

Yes that would be cool. How do I join?

Come along and join in the comments each week 😍.

If you want to set a savings target for the year (or maybe you already have some), let me know what they are and I'll add you to the saving chart next Saturday. Let us know when you write a savings post, and I'll add the link to that, too.

You're always welcome to drop by 🙂

Thank you for the warm welcome. I will drop by to comment next Saturday and let you know about my goals. :)