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RE: Daily commenting strategy on Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It's a very sinical but accurate summary of commenting on leo and hive.

Go after the low hanging fruit, the top posts, biggest accounts and see what votes can be gained.

Highly effective though as a lot of the top writers on leo have a big stake and reward in the comments.

Even better is making a name for yourself and getting recognition in the community. That is where the long term value lies and going down the levels to the smaller users can have value in that way as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Even better is making a name for yourself and getting recognition in the community. That is where the long term value lies and going down the levels to the smaller users can have value in that way as well.

This is the way :)

Build relationships by adding value and reap the benefits long term.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Self-interest is a beautiful thing when it is put in service to help others. After all, if what we do helps others succeed, why shouldn't we benefit from that effort?

It's OK to go for the low-hanging fruit as we seek to add value to our own accounts as we add value to the accounts of others in terms of the content we offer. Without low-hanging fruit, we starve! Over the long term, our success depends on others succeeding. In this way, the whales need the plankton as much as the plankton needs it's own survival.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta