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RE: Calling all Hive game devs to update your Dappradar info.

in LeoFinancelast year

Firstly, thanks for the detailed reply @gerber since you have a working knowledge of HE and splinterlands. As you say, my knowledge is close to zero which is the reason that i wanted to get this conversation started.

I'm not one bit surprised that there is fake data since we all know that on some of the chains they are literally just running some apps to create transactions and pump numbers to make it look like there is something happening.

I know that i could set up a few accounts and just keep them making transactions to pump Hive's transactions numbers but surely that wouldn't make any difference to peakd's number of daily active users outside of whatever accounts that i use to create these transactions?

Similar to how many custom json's i make in splinterlands if they are created by just 10 accounts? Obviously it's easy to activate a heap of bot accounts to increase the numbers or maybe as you say just create transactions with the appearance of a separate account and a real account operation but this is outside my knowledge.

I'm not interested in creating fake stats but i do think that having some real numbers on dappradar is good marketing compared to what it's showing at the moment. Even if it's just an estimation of each games daily active users it would show that there is life and activity across the chain while it looks dead in the water right now to anybody taking a cursory look. That's not a good image.

I can't code but i do have an interest in business and we are spending thousands on different marketing projects but don't put a few hours into having the info right on a website with hundreds of thousands of crypto users. Seems like a no brainer to me.

But from what you say it's not just a simple matter of putting the right info in front of them if the team at dappradar don't have the tools or interest to filter the data and have their own side right.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


you mean if I design app to create fake data by hands of users it's not fake data anymore ?

But yes, if you also want users, you need to use multiple accounts. Not really a problem, when you want to fake it, I have myself around ~200 accounts :D

Point is that devs not necesarry design their applications to make stats, actually often completely opposite. They trying to save data, reduce blockchain use, rc use etc


interesting scenario:
In few years if Splinterlands will continue growing to the point, their gameplay will stop hive blocxkchain. Then they remove gameplay from the blockchain, nothing really change for the game, they lose some stats, but hive works.

I guess all of us in scenario above prefer working hive than better stats ?

Similar way you can see your post and this create stats approach way as dangerous, how many splinterlands we can have on hive before hive will stop working? If all the mentioned by you applications will start using their users to broadcast more transactions to increase stats, when it ends?
Not sure this by stats approach works, especially on free blockchain, and how unhealthy it is for the blockchain itself.

The real reason why it looks so weak.

Developers first design their game to be their game, then later they see how dappradar works. Ofc I can design my next application to make stats, but it becomes another problem if I already know how things works and design my game by that, for many it's just very weird approach when you know that it's completely unnecessary, unhealthy bloat on chain but you develop it only for stats.

More likely we will see new app with better stats, than old app modified to works with low effort dappradar approach. Engine is another problem, as network in network, they have no idea how things works.

You talked with someone from dappradar, you can tell them to not use smart-contracts in reference to hive. Do you think they read your message, and care or just copy-pasted answer they send to everyone asking similar question?

i received a message back almost straight away