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RE: Buying Into LBI

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Yep, I'll be sending over whatever liquid LEO I have tomorrow to lbi-token and look forward to long term growth! 20% is amazing by the way, got to love how spoiled we are with double digit returns and think that 20% is bad in crypto when in fiat, you're lucky if you get above 1% with savings!

Is SPInvest still available to "buy in to" or has that been and gone? I have BRO as well which sounds like it's a similar thing and you just buy the token to get daily tokens?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The direct sale of SPI ended long ago. It is available on H-E, for less than the value of the holdings I believe.

BRO did implement a great deal of what SPI did. SPI distributes on a weekly basis. For now, holding SPI gets one more SPI each week since someone sold back a bunch. This is allowing it to replenish its "cash" position to do other things while still delivering dividends each week.

Overall, a well run program that I did well with. I will say I put a few SPI for sale to try and distribute the tokens, enabling others to get involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for explaining it. I'll see if I can get a few SPI off the market over the next few weeks in that case.

Meanwhile, looking forward to getting involved with lbi! Future seems very bright!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta