

You showed results for so I'm sure you know your post is on

Are you aware all three links above are also Hive?

Hmm interesting take.
But will it mean the other frontends are sort of taking the traffic away from hurting the cause?

Not all traffic on Hive goes through There are people using Hive that don't even touch the social frontends.

Hive is a blockchain. That's all. Meanwhile there are several apps built on Hive. Several frontends. Your post even uses some of the tags. LEO, Neoxian, Palnet. Last I checked they all had their own frontends.

"Hurting the cause"? I think you're missing the point. That's common though. For some strange reason people think is Hive. Yet it's one of the frontends with the least amount of features. Ever heard of Splinterlands or 3speak? Those are on Hive too...

PeakD and Ecency are used far more than They all tap into Hive the same way.

It shows more traffic on Peakd than but I believe it still is not able to surpass Steemit's traffic. Moreover, don't you think it is dividing Hive's main frontend's power?

A scattered consumer base is not efficient. However, it's more efficient to market each offering individually than it is to market Hive. You mentioned googling Hive for example. Googling Peakd, Ecency, Leofinance, Splinterlands, 3speak and the rest of this long list is googling Hive indirectly. Hive isn't a brand really. Brands exist on Hive. It's also decentralized. So if one site goes down you can just use a different one. If they all go down you can just make another one and everything is still there. Apparently "web3" is a bit different than what people are used to.

People say,"Hive should do this" and "Hive should do that" but they're quite literally talking to an inanimate object.