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RE: Blurt is just weird

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

People are well aware it's not perfect. I've yet to see anyone claim perfection. I believe, because it's not perfect, that's why people continue to work on new developments. Also, it would be helpful if, when change does occur, people acknowledged the existence of that change, and embraced it.

For instance. You're talking about downvotes pushing people away. Rather than cowering in fear, some members of this community listened and created a downvote free platform combined with an 8 day payout period rather than 7 days (so someone could upvote and counter last minute downvotes provided it made sense to do so). That exists now, right here on Hive, and has for some time now. So it's up to the people to embrace it. They choose to ignore it though and carry on with the same arguments from years ago, as if no progress had been made.

The fork from Steem to Hive, if I'm not mistaken, was meant to return the chain to its state before the Sybil attack, so of course, witnesses would remain in the same positions, and we go from there.

If a witness makes the top twenty, I highly doubt they got there because they did something wrong. And it's also nice to see the list evolve over time. Those firing up a witness today should not expect to be in the top twenty. But if it happens, good for them. Deathwing for instance. Worked up. We all watched it. It looks to be a pretty tight race these days. I remember a few months back I watched that final slot #20 exchange hands several different times in one week.

We also have the witness vote decay feature now. So that's a sure sign of even more progress made. Witness votes expire after some time now, so witnesses can't keep votes from accounts where the owner is either inactive, dead, locked out of their account, and so on.

Edit: I'm sorry. You edited and added in that question at the end. I didn't see that while taking the time to respond. If you have an issue with that member, take it up with them. No time nor the patience to deal with pettiness. I do hope you're able to accept that peacefully, and enjoy the rest of your day.


I'm not talking about downvotes. My main claim and the one most similar to the criticism given about Blurt is the 2 year witness lock. It's been 2.5 years here and fraudulent witness votes from users who never came here are still included in the witness vests.

That's my main problem. The other minor points were added to show that this post is written through a bias, not objectively.

witness votes from users who never came here are still included in the witness vests.

If they're not here, their vote will decay. I already pointed that out.

Will! And you can start voting for Blurt witnesses after two years, which is a shorter period of time than here.

I know exactly what I'm talking about, no corrections needed in this direction.