Blurt is just weird

in LeoFinance2 years ago


I've been spending some time on Blurt to farm lolcows who keep mentioning me how great Blurt is as they leave Hive.

I sold my Blurt stake pretty early when it spiked and happy with some free cash. After that, I really haven't looked back. It's obvious a social network built on rewards can't function without a balance to upvotes. Blurt realized not long after launch they dun fucked up and had to implement a system to counter bad behavior since they removed downvotes completely. How this is wielded is another issue which I will get into a bit.

I'm sure you have by now seen a banner like this from a certain entitled wanker who is having a hissy fit that he can't recycle his content for rewards.


I made a slight change to make it a bit more accurate.

Anyway, let me first explain what this Coal list is before going further.

To counter abuse, a Coal (Collaboratively Organised Abuse List) list was added to counter abuse due to the lack of downvotes.

The effects are simple, in that the upvote button is removed from the author's posts and a warning sign is added to their Blog. This is again cosmetic and users that do not like this approach can use alternate frontends or start up their own.

It is also used to prevent delegation to Vote Trading Systems (they call VTS), at least from the front end.

I remember someone mentioned they were doing some Red Card system to counter abuse, I assume this is the result of that discussion. I really don't know all that much about Blurt, but the recent spam on Hive has got me to login and drop a few memes.


So, one of the users directed me to a post where someone is recommending self votes be disabled for everyone except witnesses. I could care less personally, but I did notice something weird when I skimmed the post.

In the post, the user mentions a particular user who is self voting a lot with little engagemnt. This user was singled out and used as an example. In response, megadrive (one of the founders of Blurt and BuildTeam) responded with this comment basically saying self voting is allowed and he is harassing this user and is being recommended for the Coal list, basically disabling this person's ability to get upvotes.


This is a blockchain that the lunatics leaving Hive keep shouting it is for free speech and crying downvotes are censoring their ability to have free speech. Meanwhile, they are putting people on lists that label them as abusers and disabling their ability to earn and participate solely based on making a suggestion and using a user as an example.

As far as I know (I may be wrong, I don't really know much about Blurt but this is what I heard early on), the Blurt foundation has super majority control based on their airdropped stake to control the top witnesses for a period of 2 years or something. From what I can see here, they are also using this Coal list as a weapon for anyone who says something that offends them.

If you want to see the post in question to get full context of this discussion, you can find it here.

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"If you don't value your own posts by selfvoting then why should others?" is such a dumb statement it hurts, an even bigger brainwash than the one he insinuates happened against self voting.

Sure curation isn't perfect but I believe it's way better on Hive right now than it has ever been. Not voting your own posts just means you're spending your voting power appreciating other people's work, thus using your influence to get them to come to your posts as well. Of course I don't appreciate direct or preplanned quid pro quo vote trading but there is no issues with authors voting on others that vote on their posts now and then as long as it doesn't become a constant thing. I know this isn't easy and autovotes make it difficult but that's why we have downvotes and when used well and properly most people agree with their use. For instance if someone has been getting constant autovotes but their content has become farmy/low effort and the autovoters may be afk/not aware of it there's nothing wrong with some reward adjustment there. Most of the time the authors will agree and I've seen the general sentiment of downvotes becoming better and more accepted here as long as they are used properly and carefully it is slowly becoming normalized.

Their solutions to these problems just sound dumb and sound way more like censorship than well used downvotes could ever be.

If you don't value your own posts by selfvoting then why should others?" is such a dumb statement it hurts,

I had a similar feeling reading this statement. It is funny and annoying at the same time.

Most of the time the authors will agree and I've seen the general sentiment of downvotes becoming better and more accepted here as long as they are used properly and carefully it is slowly becoming normalized.

If a downvote comes with an explanation, people are likely to understand it and improve. It is helpful for the ecosystem as whole. An even distribution of reward would bring more people in the system.
I have seen several people following trail and it has been long since they are active on hive. As long as they are getting the curation reward, they don't care whom the reward goes to. At least, the downvotes would alarm them to find out really deserving content writers.

Their solutions to these problems just sound dumb and sound way more like censorship than well used downvotes could ever be.

That's true. On hive it has been the personal choice of people to click the downvote or an upvote button. In the coal system it is like aristocracy. If they decide to mute someone no one else can support it.

It's one thing to put a lot of time into a post and if you feel no one voted it or appreciated it to then upvote, nothing wrong with that. Some could even selfvote after 24h to give their curators and supporters some extra ROI on their votes as a thanks. Just saying what he said about selfvotes only gives abusers, votetraders and maximizers a reason to shitpost and be against downvotes turning this place into a proof of stake shitchain like steem has become where there is close to no genuine curation happening and literal shit posts by the same people on trending daily farming it to the ground.

Because the ecosystem allows to self vote, I can't argue about its being right or wrong. However, personally I don't feel it an act of high morality.

Just saying what he said about selfvotes only gives abusers, votetraders and maximizers a reason to shitpost and be against downvotes turning this place into a proof of stake shitchain

That's another important point. If self post is allowed backed by self- love and self- value, the spammers would have equal right to upvote themselves.

I agree with you. A negative evaluation, if used well, can be a useful tool. As for automatic voting, it can be seen as an investment in a content creator, it's like saying "good you're doing a good job, better and better". My personal opinion is that the quality of what is proposed must always be good, the community must be enriched with interesting content.

I've been saying we need to normalise downvotes so people don't get so worked up when they get one. I never take my rewards for granted.

a dumb statement, I agree. the measure of how much I value my posts and content, for example, is how meticulously and time consuming I am writing them... but that's the other end of a stick.

I like how he implies that he himself was brainwashed, since he occasionally self votes.

lol - Blurt is a shite place, full of shite minds and shite developers. I think "Blurt" is the sound they hear when they try thinking - just their brain vomiting onto the keyboard and before they can filter it, they click post.

You do have a sense of humor! lol.

Maybe that's how they came up with the name of the blockchain! 😅

I literally thought they were just kidding when they said they were forking and calling it "Blurt". I just basically thought of is as being something like Weku or Whaleshares. An attempt for the 'forkers' to make a quick buck.

At least those other ones had some devs :D

I guess that's something!

"It's bitter on blurt" Hahaha, okay that really made me lol--partly because I have some residual resentment toward the jackass who created that banner-- also there is definitely some hilarious truth to that joke.

I have seen what you were doing over there as I have also been baiting them a bit. I may do that less as some of them seem to think it's a good thing that I give Blurt some attention. The people I see there are a mix of those trying to 'double dip' on rewards and some who feel they were unfairly driven away from Hive, possibly blaming you :( Creative people may argue that they want to reach the widest possible audience and may find a few extra readers over there. If people want my decent votes they need to be on Hive.

I've seen all the arguments about self-votes and I still see it as wrong, especially if you have a large stake that you could use to reward others whilst still making something from curation. I disagree that people are able to judge the quality of their own posts. Let the community decide what they are worth.

I think abuse will be rampant there even though all actions have a cost. If the founders are deciding who goes on the COAL list then it's centralised. They are not going to add everyone who self-votes or is in a voting ring.

I wonder if someone is propping up the BLURT price. As you have pointed out the trading volume is insignificant.

Hive five!

I may start using Blurt now that Twitter wants me to verify myself because I made fun of a politician. It seems like a good platform for short posts of little value I don't think are worthy of a proper Hive blog entry.

I don't trust their team much more than I trust Justin Sun, though.

Twitter wants me to verify myself because I made fun of a politician.

You sure these are related?

Yup. A snarky comment triggered their content bots and a message said I was "advocating harm." Don't they know what politicians actually do as a career?

Now I can't post, or even challenge their bullshit, without verifying with a phone number. Why dignify them with that? I don't even use the platform much.

Selfvoting is a controversial issue.
In the past I've seen several discussions about this and I've seen that most users who have a large amount of HP either by their own stake or by delegation from other people are against this.
However, for some time now I've seen several accounts self-voting and no one talks about it.

If you don't value your own posts by selfvoting then why should others?

This sentence doesn't make any sense, as we write to share something with others and they vote for our posts if they think that somehow the content is quality and adds something to them.

I'm not from the time of creating the blurt and I've never used it.
However, one thing I do know is that they remove the downvote feature but end up censoring by putting accounts they don't like on a list.

Sounds like you are not permitted just to blurt out whatever is on your mind over there without getting on the list. What is it with platforms naming themselves the opposite of what they are?

They should have called themselves. . .

NSFY for short. Can double as Not Safe For You

I did not know this reality. I focus on HIVE to bring contributions, it is still interesting to read what you write.

@tipu curate

Quite an interesting and enlightening read . Getting to know of what Coal is for the first time . However, Megadrive made mention of something. He said “if you don’t value your own works , why should other value it?” I see a bit of truth in this but this does not guarantee the fact that all self votes really deserves an upvote. Kind of complicated though..

I had no idea that blurt had such rules. It's a little depressing to see our community divided.

To be fair, keeping the steemit witness votes here on Hive has given some witnesses their spots in the top 20 for the last 2+ years as well. Also, Hive has it's own lists(many) and a group of users that use their heavy stake to silence dissent, even some pretty mild stuff.

That being said, Hive is still the best option out there, though I muted the author for his ridiculous bias.

I was pretty sure no one would touch this comment with a 10' pole. That's alright, I understand how double standards work and basic human psychology. Confirmation bias anyone? How about brown nosing the whales for attention?

Author muted for publishing biased rubbish.

Most likely, folks just don't feel like it. Platform politics is exhausting and typically leads nowhere. Plus when folks act like they want a serious discussion and can't get their point across without throwing in those little zingers meant to get a rise out of people, like you did there, it becomes annoying.

That's my guess anyway.

Yeah, facts are hard to refute, but at least an inkling that people know it's not perfect would be nice.

As for the zinger? I guess that just depends on your level of loyalty over reality. A balance is best, which is not what I'm seeing.

Anyway, the author is a bit of a hypocrite if he doesn't bother to refute or at least rationalize why it's ok here and not there.

I guess it just an issue when he's the victim and his rep is meaningless?

People are well aware it's not perfect. I've yet to see anyone claim perfection. I believe, because it's not perfect, that's why people continue to work on new developments. Also, it would be helpful if, when change does occur, people acknowledged the existence of that change, and embraced it.

For instance. You're talking about downvotes pushing people away. Rather than cowering in fear, some members of this community listened and created a downvote free platform combined with an 8 day payout period rather than 7 days (so someone could upvote and counter last minute downvotes provided it made sense to do so). That exists now, right here on Hive, and has for some time now. So it's up to the people to embrace it. They choose to ignore it though and carry on with the same arguments from years ago, as if no progress had been made.

The fork from Steem to Hive, if I'm not mistaken, was meant to return the chain to its state before the Sybil attack, so of course, witnesses would remain in the same positions, and we go from there.

If a witness makes the top twenty, I highly doubt they got there because they did something wrong. And it's also nice to see the list evolve over time. Those firing up a witness today should not expect to be in the top twenty. But if it happens, good for them. Deathwing for instance. Worked up. We all watched it. It looks to be a pretty tight race these days. I remember a few months back I watched that final slot #20 exchange hands several different times in one week.

We also have the witness vote decay feature now. So that's a sure sign of even more progress made. Witness votes expire after some time now, so witnesses can't keep votes from accounts where the owner is either inactive, dead, locked out of their account, and so on.

Edit: I'm sorry. You edited and added in that question at the end. I didn't see that while taking the time to respond. If you have an issue with that member, take it up with them. No time nor the patience to deal with pettiness. I do hope you're able to accept that peacefully, and enjoy the rest of your day.

I'm not talking about downvotes. My main claim and the one most similar to the criticism given about Blurt is the 2 year witness lock. It's been 2.5 years here and fraudulent witness votes from users who never came here are still included in the witness vests.

That's my main problem. The other minor points were added to show that this post is written through a bias, not objectively.

witness votes from users who never came here are still included in the witness vests.

If they're not here, their vote will decay. I already pointed that out.

Thank you to make me read that ! Ricardo is an amazing human being with values
And i wish you read that comment on a different perspective , just because blurt does not have DV it still keeps value in human relationships and does not allowed Harassment and Bullying and i had no idea but uses indeed COIL list for all the hive rejects who think they can post and do whatever they want there , including shitting on people .

That shows you something amazing , Blurt founders respects its users , Hive respects its coin . Different animals .

Thank you for the great advertising by the way ! I ll keep on upvoting your comments there for you to stay as much as you want , we love seeing our coin going up .

May all blockchains rise to the moon 💪🏻 ...with each its own rules 😉

Sure sure, such bullshit.

They allow endless harassing like this.




To suggest a protocol change and point out an example is harassment and bullying.

lol you playing low cut ..i thought you were laughing about it and actually enjoying it , different from me Because i personally dont attack people but they love attacking me .

You are now doing a better job than @world-travel-pro in blurt advertising , therefor
You are HIRED ! 😉

If you think people want to go to Blurt you are dumber than I thought.

A lot of people are in blurt , lets respect everyone s choice .
I wish there was no war but people are just dumb .
I think in blurt they have stopped talking about hive , or at least in negative terms , but if you want to stir the fire you are welcome to pop over .
They surely will understand you could be bored here 😉

Lol they stopped. That’s why I get a zillion messsges and insults.

Still ? ... didnt see it .
I try to stay on my corner even though it does not really work ...hence your post ..

I have a Blurt account. I didn't sign up for that site but regardless of circumstance, I'm still a member. Apparently I'm a stakeholder there as well.

I accept the fact I am member and stakeholder, but do they?

I have several solid examples of a member there bullying and harassing myself along with many others, sometimes all in the same post, on several different occasions, and still ongoing. Ridiculous lies. Absurd accusations. Even theft. All stemming from one account; an account you mentioned without mentioning directly in your post. We both know who it is and so do several others.

So I guess I just file a complaint? Problem solved? The perpetrator has even already openly admitted to being guilty and even claims to be having fun with it. Should be an easy decision should it not?

Where I stand now, I have my doubts that system over there on Blurt has even one ounce of integrity. I'm under the impression they actually embrace the bullying, harassment, and theft.

To top it off, the instances of bullying, harassment, theft; they were all utilized in a Blurt marketing campaign.

I get flooded with harassing bullshit there to which I doubt they care.

We both know who it is and so do several others.

Not sure I do. I don’t really know much about Blurt. I only looked recently because all the bullshit being said about me.

And therefore anyone can say anything about anyone and that makes it a worldwide human plague , full of lies from envious , mentally ill people and drug addicts and the worst are the people who actually believe their lies .
Now we see , we truely have touched the Bottom of the Bottom .

A quote from your post:

I'm sure you have by now seen a banner like this from a certain entitled wanker who is having a hissy fit that he can't recycle his content for rewards.

That guy.

I don't use the site. There's no need to. There's no audience/viewership or consumers browsing so there's no point in posting there. Can't setup shop in the middle of fucking nowhere and expect customers.

The only reason I'm a stakeholder there is because they made me one the day they went live. I too only looked in once their bullshit started.


So Blurt is a centralised platform where you can get blocked and censored! What a shame.

They could just have gone back to Steem then :D

this was an intresting reading for me.
I have a little (apparently 7k) stake at Blurt and tried posting there when it started, but quit pretty soon and, like you, dont bother to follow what is happening there.
therefore, was curious to read about all the innovations and tactics, implementing the "sunrise by hands" technology, hehe.

@themarkymark. I'll still throw that $100 at Blurt regardless 😐😐. Let's keep "farming"😆😆😆. Blurt will turn $6 by 2025. You'll see 😐😐😐😆😆😆

Thank you for being so positive and smart 😉

Whew. At least I dumped that airdrop when the price was high.. I already have enough shit coins.. so many in fact...


@brataka @therealflaws This is the site you guys were telling me about, now I'm getting blurt stuff everywhere. It seems to be a nefarious place, that angry emoji gives me a bad feeling for some reason.

It's quite disappointing to read that this was even taken into consideration by them.

Lol, just mentioned it in a conversation and used it as a joke. Go to sleep. 😛

I want to laugh so hard over the situation blurtians are facing. It is funny, isn't it?

I remember seeing posts on Hive that marketed blurt a lot and called Hive a ridiculous system. So the blurt ecosystem is doing worse inters of free speech where the admins but not the whales are acusing you if harassing.

I just know one thing. There is no law without a flaw. The downvote system on hive can be used either way (to stop spam or to take personal revenge). The no downvote system on blurt let them face problems in another way. Then they introduced coal; and that can also be abused as mentioned by the example in this post.

Wherever we are, we need to follow and accept the system because nothing like absolute freedom exist.


You have received a 1UP from @luizeba!

The following @oneup-cartel family members will soon upvote your post:
@leo-curator, @ctp-curator, @bee-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator, @neoxag-curator, @pal-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the family on Discord.

any thoughts about Mind? Are they managing better than us (user retention, upvote system/economy, development etc.); are there things we could implement here on Hive?

Minds is a whole other world. You earn Minds tokens, which you can theoretically convert to cash. But, with ETH transactions costing an arm and a leg, it's better to use the tokens to boost your content.

You can earn fiat if you subscribe to Minds+ or Minds Pro. Once your account reaches $100, they'll deposit your earnings in your bank account. But, it's not easy to earn. I get maybe $0.20 per Minds+ post, occasionally more. You'd have to be really popular to earn more there than here on Hive.

On the other hand, they do give you the option to do subscriptions like Patreon, paid in tokens or fiat. But, again, you'd have to be popular to have the numbers of people willing to subscribe to your channel.

Minds is less focused on earning. Many of the people there are refugees who have been booted off other platforms. For them, it's more about being able to express an opinion.

I pay for Minds Pro on one account. It's $480/yr
I do it mostly for the hosting service for my domain

I mainly use Minds because of the taboo against multiple posts per day here on Hive. Nobody cares or calls you out for posting too much on Minds.

Another reason I pay for Minds is that the Minds+ posts aren't viewable for non-subscribers. It's a way for me to post stupid or opinionated things out of the general public view. Or, I could create a subscription tier to hide posts.

Despite their tolerance, there is a line you can cross to get you booted off Minds. But, you'd have to be a serious knob to cross it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

thanks for the explanation! Seems like it is quite different to HIve then. They also seem to have big money they can spend for ads (saw one the other day)

I don’t know anything about them but I have heard they have a good size userbase.

well I think it|s our main competition currently; might be worth looking into!

i didn't realize blurt didn't have downvotes. how the heck did they get more popular than hive? i guess typical marketing, create a little buzz and all the sheep flock to it. I do not view downvotes as censorship, it's a community review saying this content is a waste of your life minutes for whatever reason. I guess I can scratch my plan of posting my content on blurt as well as hive, i'll stick where my home is.

Blurt is no where near as popular as Hive, I will admit Hive is a small niche in the cryptosphere but Blurt isn't even a dust spec.

That's good to hear

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

I sold my Blurt stake pretty early when it spiked and happy with some free cash.

Me too, 4c was a good deal in the early days.

Couldn't get rid of blurt fast enough and very happy not to have spent time on there. They all look like users who couldn't hack it on Hive and that tells it's own story.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You said some words

Marky you attempt superiority but you're not crafty with words.
Go back to gifts.

The irony, you mean gifs right?

I wasn't the one claiming someone not to be crafty with words when they can't even use them properly.

Hold another AMA... lol

Soon, you should too. Not sure anyone would show up though.