
UP and kicking now boss. Power outage is Killin me. Pc was not charged. I'm trying to thread with phone which I'm not used to. But I'll do my best

#brown lions

No problem. I need you to make a hundred threads before 8am. Are you up for the task?I need everyone to give it their best shot. You know this benefits is individually and collectively even outside Leofinance. Let's go!

Let's go! I'm not comfortable threading on phone but ima give it a shot. Gon do

Good ..I have given @iamchuks my laptop, I am using my phone currently . Might be a little slower but we need those numbers. So the more the better

Oh great. I hope he is on it. Fingers crossed for now. The grind is on. I was kinda discouraged yesterday. Made over 200 threads but the points on the scoreboard were not reflecting my hustle at

I understand. Today aim for 600 threads. Thread like you don't have a care in the world. Open multiple tabs in your phone to check notification and other to thread. Be like a robot. Do not stop until you reach your goal

Love this

Do not stop until you reach your goal

Oya let's goo!

resting during war. something we all must do at some point.

I am still awake

Okay do you need company so you can thread more...we can have more conversations here. How many hours do you have left before bed time?

I have one hour left, so let's make the most of it, let's talk a lot. For example, what is the official language of Nigeria?

Here we speak English. But we have other languages. There are 3 other major languages in Nigeria-Igbo, Hausa and Yourba. So we are a very diverse group
How about Cuba?

In Cuba we only speak Spanish, there are many people who speak English, but our official language is Spanish.

Thats nice

I sent you a message in our telegram group. Kindly check it out.

Anyone from the Nigerian community in the #brownlions pride that outthreads me today gets two free movie tickets next week Saturday. They can also redeem their prize in cash or hive. Game on!

I am awake but on work right now. Mobile web sucks. Trying my best to be active.

No problem. The website is glitchy at the moment but we can still keep pushing. Thank you

Here we are, having breakfast. It's quite cool so a tea comes in handy.