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RE: Focusing is difficult

in LeoFinancelast month

Man, turning Hive into an acre of land feels like a fucking success story to me. That would be brilliant if you could do that. So many folks in crypto want dumb shit like lambos, but seeing the fruits of our labour helping us achieve real things with value is infinitely cooler to me.

I hope you get a good swing soon and can manage that acre!

 last month  Reveal Comment

I hear ya, the lack of connections to useful exchanges is very hard. I know they're working on it but it's been a long time in the works and it's hard to get broader adoption without easy access to reputable exchanges.

 last month  Reveal Comment

It definitely feels like all the easy inroads we had when we had the surge of attention after telling ol' Sunny boy to fuck himself have disappeared without us capitalizing on them as well as we could/should have. But, I believe there's still time to turn it around and that it'll be super good for us if we do!

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