
Investment usually has this learning path, after the fall we learn and sometimes we manage to make a profit.

When we start a journey in the crypto world, we have to study the opportunities we have, because hasty decisions can go very wrong, as in your case. Examining the investment risks should be the main thing.

You started the hard way, although I also lived through it, the loss I went through was not so traumatic, but, the important thing is to learn.

Something similar happened to my husband. Until he had to decide which currency he would go for. Decisions are risky and emotional. Sometimes it's also because of someone else's recommendation. But we learn from everything.

It's complicated at certain times when we're looking for something better for our lives and we want to take a chance on something that is new or even seems to have quick profits, unfortunately these meme coins or those without much of a future always seem to appear in our email inbox or in our news feed. and unfortunately we believe them. I remember that when I started at Hive, I also invested a little in other currencies and it wasn't the best experience.

Almost everyone has started in this world by losing. The thing is to learn the lesson fast. It's true that losing money hurts, but I believe that's how you learn the hard way. Always investigate first otherwise, the rocket crashes quickly

I had similar experience but it was from trading not investing in a crypto, and like you said shit coins may not have gotten and value then, but may it has added so value or they are trying to give value to it

Shitcoins are the reason I almost did not believe in Cryptocurrency

Maybe it was the time when they were fashionable. There were several and with very low prices. If so, I also traded there and although I did not lose money with them, I did lose time. At least I gained experience in billboard analysis.

Sorry fren, if only you knew then that shit coins are often associated with scams and fraudulent activities. Some projects may launch with the intention of deceiving investors, taking their money, and disappearing without delivering any promised products or services. I think that’s your case fren.

Then I just started my Cryptocurrency journey and did not know how to go about it, I felt like any Cryptocurrency you buy will yield return in the nearest

A lot of us learned the hard way