
You can earn 100% daytrading Blurt for Hive on Hive-Engine. Tons of movement ... from .038 to .068 in a few hours. I went from 6,000 Blurt ($60) to 37,000 ($370) in a few weeks. Also earning 1,000 Blurt ($10) per post over there with the correct #hashtags .... #blurtlife #blurtography #blurtart etc etc

They have any system to post videos ?

One is in development .... in the mean time Everyone is posting their Original Blurt Videos on Youtube with #blurt #blurtart #blurtfilm tags and embedding in their Blurt posts. #blurtart and other Hashtags are trending on Youtube.

Blurt is for the masses .... getting people from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter to join. Not closed bubbles like Dtube, DLive, etc etc ...

So in your opinion, is Blurt better than Hive ? Any comparison in terms of different features / upvotes etc ?