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RE: The Population Crisis Is Going To Cause Economic Issues

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is only anecdotal evidence on my part but I know my two 30 something children are no where near starting families. Mostly for economic reasons and probably a little worry over what kind of dystopian future kids born today may have to endure.

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Not just anecdotal. I'm in may 30's and nowhere near starting a family for these reasons. The same goes for 90% of my friends. This is going to be a real problem.

Come to think of it not many of their friends that I know of have started families either.

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What dystopia are you referring to?

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Climate change would be one. Our fire seasons here in the western US seem to be getting longer and more intense. We just had a red flag warning in the mountains in April. It is very rare to have an April red flag fire warning here. Last fall, fires were burning close enough to Portland Or that some suburbs were put on evacuation notice.

Another possible pandemic. I wasn't overly impressed with humanities response to this last one.

And I never underestimate government or powerful people's ability to royally screw things up for us all. :)

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