Ask LEO: Would You Consider Crypto As Your Retirement Investment Plan???

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I see crypto as my retirement investment plan for so many reasons and let's not forget that there are so many ways of making money in the crypto industry apart from Crypto Trading, which everyone or most people only think about once they hear crypto investment, a few weeks back I made two posts on Crypto jobs and how it is solving unemployment crisis in the world, you can check it out, for more ideas on how to make more money from the crypto industry without having to be a crypto trader. So I would say yes to having my retirement plan in crypto all day every day, there is an endless list of opportunities of making money from the crypto industry all you need to do is make your research and be ready to put in work to achieve what you want.

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That's why I disagree with financial journalist and radio show host Ilyce Glink and Tom Fortino's (founder and principal of Alpha Wealth Group) points of view on crypto being a good option as Retirement Investment Plan. their point was that you can test the waters in crypto by trading and making money off the crypto industry. One of them said he is on the side of Gold as a Good Retirement Plan, since gold has limited supply and has acted as a good store of value in the past, and that crypto can not be seen as a good store value since it is volatile in nature, and that crypto is too risky.

I don't know if they are paying attention to what is going on in the world right now, crypto has proven itself to be a good store of value mostly in Russia and Ukraine where their banking system has been down due to the war, and the only way many people are surviving financially is through the help of crypto, and crypto has also been a good support system, as the crypto community or people are helping both the Ukrainian government and citizens through the use of crypto, I have read that Ukraine has received over $50 million donation through crypto, how would that have been possible if the donations wherein gold? think about it.

Another point, let's take the Hive blockchain and ecosystem as an example, you miner Hive, LEO, POB, VYB, and other Hive engine tokens by creating a good quality original post or content and using the various tags (token names) I have mentioned, you get paid in those various tokens when someone who has those tokens staked upvotes your content, or you can still make money on Hive for being a content curator only and not having to create any content if you choose to do so, or if you don't have the time to curate other peoples posts yourself, you can delegate you HP(Hive Power) or other Hive engine tokens and you get curators reward anytime the person who you delegated too curates other people's content, How risky is that?.

Or is it the PolyCub airdrop given out by @khaleelkazi and the Leofinance.oi team to those who have Cub staked in their Kingdom portfolio, the airdrop has made so many people cool amount of money just for holding and staking Cub, can gold do that?. On this note I rest my case that crypto is going to be my retirement plan, I don't know about you but I would like to know your thoughts on this???

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I'm hoping PolyCUB is my retirement account. Stake POLYCUB in xPOLYCUB. Number go up forever. Moon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am hopping on the PolyCUB train soon

Smiles, this means you are going all in POLYCUB. Nice one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

pienso practicamente igual!!!! tienes mi voto y apoyo!!👍

I added crypto in my investment and retirement plan since I first approached crypto in 2017, my crypto values are higher than my fiat currency in my bank account now

Same here bro, I don't keep money in the bank, I only withdraw from my crypto wallet when necessary.

Nice one. 2017 is a long time, I am sure your portfolio would be bulky at the moment.

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Superb analysis. I left my cashier job because of crypto because i wanted to give whole my life to crypto and in crypto space hive blockchain is the one of the best thing i found. solid read.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for reading, in this crypto space hive is also one of the best things that happened to me.

Smiles, I can relate to the opportunities Hive offers. Hive is the best I found myself. But someone I feel it is hard to grow your crypto portfolio when you live on it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But someone I feel it is hard to grow your crypto portfolio when you live on it.

Truth but you can still split your profit, save or reinvest some and spend the rest

Not at all crypto is not an investment, its a gamble, they've just co-opted the word to make people think they're doing something reasonable with their money

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh ok, but for me crypto is an investment.

Can you explain to me why you see it as an investment?

Investment simple means investing your money to make some profit, and in crypto after doing your research and analysis on a coin, you invest into it, the price goes you way you take your profit.

I would disagree, investment is about deploying capital to create production that brings in a return, when you putting in money hoping someone offers you more money for it in the future, thats speculation, thats' gambling, not investing

But you know on Hive you can invest your time and brainpower and get reward in crypto tokens.

investment is about deploying capital to create production that brings in a return.

Let's use Hive for example now, if you buy Hive and power to make it HP, that's deploying capital.

Then you curating other people's post, that is you being productive

And then you get rewarded in crypto which is HIVE or LEO or POB e.t.c that's you earning returns

That’s only half the story to realise the gain you still need someone to take the tokens off your hands or be willing to accept it for Good and services so with a lack of liquidity what does that help?

True. People see investments in their own ways. Also crypto is a gamble as well because we can not totally predict its future we just go in by faith and believe in the project.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The crypto industry like I mentioned in my post is not all about trading alone, but because that's what everyone focus on that why some people feel it a gamble.

Not only crypto everything you do with fiat is also a gamble if you do not do due research before the investment and just go with the optics and hype.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am rooting for Leo, I think leofinance has a great potential and might become the best investment. And, I will add more Leo if i have spare funds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, No doubt leofinance has a great potential and the Leofinance team are really putting in work and are doing great thing us in the community.

Yes, crypto is my early retirement plan. I have a long-term goal to become a millionaire with the help of crypto in the next 5 years. Let's see if that happens! I just need to show up everyday and hustle my ass off to achieve that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

when you become a millionaire, don't forget to come and be blessing me once a while. but hopefully by then too, I would have become a millionaire as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are all going to be millionaire 🤗😉

Haha, sure thing my man. Let's help each other become millionaires then. So that we can bless each other 😂😂😂

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, crypto is my early retirement plan. I have a long-term goal to become a millionaire with the help of crypto in the next 5 years.

I am with you no this, am will achieve our goal hopefully.

I just need to show up everyday and hustle my ass off to achieve that.

Exactly bro.

Yup! With som many passive income possibilities, it can be a solid retirement plan

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My point exactly, there is a potential of make passive income from crypto.

yeah, passive income is the goal actually.. with so many streams of income. then there is a good possibility in retirement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To date, the Crypto that I have earned through blogging on Steemit and Hive have paid off credit cards and helped me through some challenging times.

So if I can use my crypto earnings to pay off credit cards then it only makes sense that crypto can help me in retirement.

What crypto I hold in 10 years is very likely to be different to what I hold today. But that doesn't mean that it won't be useful and assist me to live a comfortable lifestyle once I am done with the working life.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To date, the Crypto that I have earned through blogging on Steemit and Hive have paid off credit cards and helped me through some challenging times.

Thanks the beautiful right there

So if I can use my crypto earnings to pay off credit cards then it only makes sense that crypto can help me in retirement.

It makes much sense mate.

What crypto I hold in 10 years is very likely to be different to what I hold today. But that doesn't mean that it won't be useful and assist me to live a comfortable lifestyle once I am done with the working life.

Me too bro

this is something I can so much relate to. My earning on Hive has saved me from so many things most especially life struggles.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I guess almost everyone on hive can relate.

Nice to read.. but I don't know how to follow..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How to follow in what way?

Since I stumbled on crypto, I realized that it is here for a lifetime for me. It is my lifetime investment plan

Cheers 🥂 to that.

true, crypto has a lot of opportunities in place and one do not need to be a trader to make it on crypto. Hive has proven to be one of the ways in which people can earn on crypto.

At the same time, as much I want to have a retirement plan on Crypto, I don't want my earnings alone to be based on crypto or to be sole dependent on crypto. There are other opportunities out there and even far better aside crypto. Having them would give the opportunity to grow your crypto stake faster and yes, makes it more possible to even total rely on crypto in the future if you want to.

This is a nice article. Thanks for the good read.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally get your point, but as for me I plan on exploring more ways to make money from crypto and the blockchain itself, multiple streams of income form crypto and the blockchain is good enough for me. Thanks for reading and actively replying almost all the comments, I appreciate.

Hi my dear buddy,

I would definitely and that is what I intend to do ! This is why I am investing in it now before they become too expensive.

Saving HIVE and Bitcoin for that purpose.

Take care.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Thanks man, am glad you could relate to my post and invest in it now is really smart, nice one.

Yes, I do consider HIVE/LEO/CUB in my retirement plan and I'm stacking them slowly and slowly :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Same here, am accumulating now to enjoy it later.

There are many ways to make money in Crypto currency without Trading. You can make money through investment or through blogging like leo finance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, and that's not all, there are so many other crypto jobs out there.

I don't see crypto as my retirement pain because I don't plan to retire. Crypto is a lifestyle. It is a neccesity--i use it everyday. It is part of my life--that's how I see crypto

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I stand corrected, crypto is a lifestyle.

I don't think I want to retire either, as long I can breathe, I want to be making money.

Yeah. We have people like taskmaster still grinding, why should retire and chill on a yacht. I am certainly not about that life. As much as I want to have a good time and enjoy life, I still want to add value in my little way

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