in LeoFinance5 months ago

Hello beautiful people. Every country has its fair share of challenges and currently, there are so many complaints about how things aren't working in the country but the truth is it is not an individual problem but an individual can have an impact on the entire country.

There is the need for a change and you can be that, you can be the difference, you can challenge the status quo, you can be the one singled out to turn things around. You have the ability and the capacity to make a difference in your given task, job, assignment, or designation. Change can come from the contribution you make.

Though little it may seem what you do, the impact has a ripple effect all the time, There is a woman who started an agency to clean up the environment, a green project of some sort. Every day she invests her time and resources in doing exactly what she said the agency would do. Cleaning up the environment by employing those who can help her achieve her goal.


Now her goal was or is to put an end to open refuse dumping and pollution of the environment while at the same time creating a safe clean ecosystem and sensitizing the people, public and private citizens about the importance of a clean environment. She sought private partnerships, she created programs around community participation and civic social responsibility.

Her goal and dream are big, however, she decided to start where she was, in her hometown, and when she successfully achieved her goal, she began to expand from her base, and right now she has been able to expand to many cities and states encouraging the populace to make it a habit to properly dispose of refuse and keep the environment clean.

Every day set aside for sanitation day, she is out with her team cleaning illegal refuse dumps in town and creating signs to educate all who care to read. Many of us can be like this, we should identify a need we can meet and focus our effort and attention on making it work out properly.

This decision is what is going to make a difference in whatever we eventually choose to do. I always say there is so much more a person can do where they are.

Rather than complain, let's be the solution we seek and we will see how from our different corners of the world, we begin to make an impact and turn things around for good. This is the right way to put things in order. You can even start alone and soon, you will also have people who believe in what you are doing in a short while you will have a team and you will realize that you are the pivotal point in pulling change and creating a lasting impression that will leave the society smiling for a long time.

In a world where everything is acceptable, you can choose to be different and add value today. This should consume you, you shouldn't just exist like that.
