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RE: Web 3.0 Goal: Distribute And Decentralize AI

in LeoFinance2 months ago

I think some companies got a head start, and are gaining more speed compared to others. I don't remember if it was in one of your posts, or another author I follow, but they showed data of companies getting NVIDIA's AI GPUs. One or two companies got significantly more than the others. Having too much power on a few companies isn't good, so I agree that we need to decentralize AI.


That is true. The centralization of GPUs is a problem. But that is distributed computing comes in. Consider all the processing tied to Hive let alone ETH and all the forks.

If we can set it up and utilize those, that would be big.

Well there are a over 100 computers running the infrastructure, all updating the database each day.

Oh, but we will need a lot more than 100 computers.

That is just one layer and set of code. There are also going to be nodes tied to VSC. There will be nodes for SpkNetwork. We have API nodes. There will be more HAF nodes.

All are serving different functions but do have applicability. We are processing a more than just the Witness nodes.

Those would definitely help. But I don't think it is anywhere near how powerful the new GPUs used for AI are. I was thinking of a way for regular users to contribute as well.

It will have to be a protocol that is designed to use the processing power of many different computers. This is what has happened in the past with many different projects (protein folding comes to mind).

And we have to consider the compute tied to BTC, ETH, and other blockchains.