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RE: Scaling up: Permissionless networks don't get a choice.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Isn't that true of all human activity? Someone or something could find a way to bend an entity to its will, and that entity's members are suddenly enslaved, no longer free. It's a chance we take getting involved in almost anything. We can fool ourselves that Hive is immune, but of course it is not. All the behavior modification efforts have been evaded or used to advantage by someone. I'm all for no behavior modification efforts, especially downvoting. Just look at the mess that has made of freedom on this chain - Although I am no spammer, nor plagiarizer, and I know my work is of quality, I am hesitant to use both my downvote and my true voice regarding the covid con, for fear of downvote reprisal. As it is, I suspect curating accounts that used to support me have stopped doing so, perhaps because of comments like this one.


Hive/crypto is a bit different.
We already saw what happens when someone tries to control it.
We actually profit from the attack.

I did not profit from that attack (assuming you are referring to JS) as far as I can tell. I am still teensy, despite regular high quality posting for three years. How did we profit? I'm curious, not complaining.

Well, Steem was at .12 when the announcement was made. If you had 100 Steem, they soon shot up to .50 and you also now had 100 Hive... Which in the early days topped at $.96

Now Hive is holding steady near .80 and Steem is in the .60 USD range, so if you held ANY.. stake you likely more than doubled it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes I understand all that. I had very little at the time, so I then had twice very little - still not much. With the upvote curve, it was very difficult for me to earn after that small bump up (I can't remember which came first). If you were swimming among the dolphins or larger, you made out very well. If you were plankton, it became even more difficult to get anywhere. But again, I am not complaining. I have always had loyal readers, and that's what I am here for, although it does irk me a bit to see persons who churn out the same old same old day after day, with no readers at all, being regularly supported by buildawhale type accounts. What is the point of that? Does this benefit us all somehow? We boast about all our efforts to improve quality. Are we improving quality?
Do you think the split is the reason both tokens went up? Perhaps publicity helped. Maybe people like a good battle. I don't know.
Creative writing is my thing, especially poetry. I don't expect to make $100 a post.

I can't speak to why others vote for what they vote for, personally, I am not a fan of the "Quality" pitch, other social networks don't focus on quality. I like engaging, relevant, interesting, funny... but I guess it is subjective to every single stakeholder who votes.

As to are we improving Quality? I've always thought that was the wrong measuring stick. Are we improving community, do we have more members, are some holding.. all more important to me. But YOU are the target audience, someone who just wants to come and enjoy the site.

Yes the split made the price of both go up, because it got a lot of coverage and media and during that time everyone was aware of Hive and Steem. Usually, with no marketing and little hype, it's difficult to get that level of attention.

I remember trying to find a Poetry community for another user.. @tezmel and being really surprised how little curation there is in poetry, maybe we need a poetry community, with a Poet token to help bring some on. That would be cool!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Before I pass out due to excitement, let me first say everything you have stated in the first two paragraphs is something people like me want to see happening. A place where a post is good enough to start a conversation is in the comments section. Having highly voted posts with zero interactions seems odd for a community looking for engagement. No?

I remember trying to find a Poetry community for another user.. @tezmel and being surprised how little curation there is in poetry, maybe we need a poetry community, with a Poet token to help bring some on. That would be cool!

I am living for this. That would help so many of us integrate with the world of finance. Oh, and the token idea is just so inclusive in a world where prose feels alienated. I have this awesome app on my gadgets and I doubt every "finance-related" post I have tried to leave on my feed.

Anyway... A lost soul can hope too :)

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

hey love. I see you are earning more these days, deservedly! Do you think Leo Finance is why? Are you getting more readers, or just more earnings (which I know does not suck)?

Wonderful points! Hive offers something for everyone. If you want to make money curating, you can do that. If you want to make money churning out the same old same old, you can do that. If you want to write for readers, you can do that (it's hard though!) As I said, I am happy with what I have built here. But now and then it is difficult to not be envious of posts that make $100 for lousy content, while my brilliant genius unusual posts make $6. It's easy to see that as my upvote value goes up, so do my rewards. As in the rest of the world, it's easier to make money on Hive if you have money on Hive.

There have been communities for poetry. the ink well started out supporting poetry, and I wrote one of the best pieces I have ever written for that community. It earned what was for me at the time an awful lot. This poem took me a solid two weeks to write, in response to a challenge by @raj808. I posted nothing else for those two weeks because I was obsessed with this poem. I'm glad I wrote it - I am very proud of it and love having it in my repertoire because it is very unlike most of my other work - but one can't produce work like that for Hive an expect to earn anything.

The ink well stopped encouraging poetry some time after that, I believe because they were attracting so much bad poetry. It's easy to write bad poetry.

@tezmel is one of my faves here!!!! When it comes to poetry, I try to find the poets myself and support them with my tiny upvote. The upvote curve really harmed poets!!! I am so happy that is gone.

I wonder if it is a supply demand issue.

Not being a poet or a very artsy person, I wonder what the demand for consuming poetry is, I imagine there is a lot of interest among fellow poets, but maybe we don't have enough of them, as.. crypto and poetry are possibly different types.

It could grow over time! :) You are early! I bet I could put out some stunningly BAD poetry. lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta