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RE: This Guy Right Here Was Commissioned To Write Outside Hive

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I've been away for a while, but reading this reminds me how I miss reading your blog. "Provocative Humor"...I love it! There's no doubt that you got your own style, no wonder you got approached (I sucked to see you got rejected).
Your filter free opinion is exactly why I love reading all this 😁. Anyways, glad to see you and Pura are still doing great and sharing your adventure(s)!


Doooood! Long time no see. This is a pleasant surprise. Are you back?

Thanks a lot for keeping an eye on me. You're the very first person to resteem my content. However many years ago that was. Really boosted my confidence that day. I don't forget those things.

I think I unfollowed you even, you've been so silent. I'll fix that now, nice to hear from you again. What have you been up to? Don't be a stranger.

Rejected. Eh.. Their loss.

Haha, yeah I was completely out for like a year. Sh*t happens but I'm back now, rusty like hell but back 🙃 I'm really glad to see you are still posting (no more Pura's reciepes it seems), sometimes I just feel like lightning up and read up (they go well together). You should podcast a capsule every week...or maybe you have been since, been a while, I should check it out. Happy to hear from ya!!

I don't think you'd like what I said if I didn't light up repeatedly. 😉

Always a pleasure to hear from you. Yeah Pura's not into it anymore. Only reason she even did what she did is cuz I kept pressuring her to share recipes. She's just not into it. But I'm not goin anywhere!

Podcast. Dude I don't even know how to listen to one.