Bitcoin is taking a breather

in LeoFinance3 years ago

And that is good news

Bitcoin went all the way back to 35000,00 USD and has just dropped back to 30k again. Some people are already starting to worry, again, for which there is no sane reason. Bitcoin has never been in in the mainstream media more than this month. I see it everywhere. And the narrative has changed, it is not so negative anymore. To the contrary, major universities like Yale and Harvard have been buying Bitcoin silently for over a year now. Major funds are buying Bitcoin every single day. The buy pressure is there, and will only get stronger. But off course there are people taking profit. For good reason.


The good news is that Bitcoin hasn't gone straight to 50k. Because then the news would be negative, the story would be told once again, that it is Tulip mania all over again. It is good for general perception that it is "human" and not "extra-terrestrial". So, in the long run this can only make the future brighter for Bitcoin and some alts.

Have a great wednesday.

