How Much $PEPE Is Your Goal To Hab (Have)?

in LeoFinance29 days ago

Sum hab million(s). Sum hab goal of million(s)


Looking through #pepe tagged posts discovered sumone with many token goals including dat of $PEPE token! Maybe we cud hab a contest wit such an idea of goals for / ob PEPE. ( @pepe-voter )

Noticing sum making goals wit HIVE of course and also LEO.

Dis user has ober 400,000 PEPE and a goal of ten Milly's! Got me froggie to thinkin'.. wut kind ob token goals may users hab fer PEPE. Just a thousand Milly's (millions) is a Billy (billion)! Dat wud be a great goal to reach.

My Token Goals: Hive | LEO | Other Tokens by @vinzie1

Thank you fer including PEPE in your goals!

We hab 33 Millionaires with many Milly's and over a hundred wit 100,000 plus!

How much PEPE are you looking to get?

Feels Good Man!


*notification list (comment to be added): @beckyonweb @bitphoto @blanchy @efmm @elizabethbit @ganjafarmer @gregscloud @ironshield @kenny-crane @nomaddreamer @pepe.voter @thebighigg @tydynrain @zonadigital21 *

$PEPE Hive Engine - TribalDex

Pepe Token Community Ecency - LeoFinance - PeakD

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


My immediate goal is 25 Million PEPE, then on to 50 Million etc... Right now, I'm at 14.7 Million, so I'm on my way. PEPE is my second largest 2nd layer token holding. !WINE

Gud goals! !ALIVE !BBH

Millions of PEPE……😳
Where to put all da bags Man? 🐸

Wherever one may want I suppose. Seems sum are finding places fer sum millions now dat we hab 33 Milly-airs. Feels good man. !BBH

Milly- airs…. dat Feels Good Man!🐸

Right now, I want Pepe to add to the pools.
Yet, if I could have some Pepe, I would love 2 million. :P

Wut pools? Hab added PEPE in da past, but not in awhile as we try to get everything in order and will send sum PEPE out to swim in sum moar pools and into moar wallets.

I'm game for a billion PEPE! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Posted using MemeHive

What did the doctor say about the tall person in a rush to see him?
I wish you were a little patient.

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