Every Man Has His Breaking Point .:. #MyHiveGoals 2022

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Did you recognize the quote from the title of the post? If you are one of the "old-school" people, the movie from which that quote is is probably one of your Top 3 movies of all time... Actually, according to IMDB Top 250, it is the best movie EVER!

Every Man has his Breaking Point.jpg
Created in Canva.com

I will not keep you in the dark anymore, the movie in question is The Shawshank Redemption and I have watched it today for X time (probably over 7-8 😃)... Anyways, my intention wasn't to create some "bombastic" title, as I'm not quitting crypto or anything similar... My breaking point is far, far, far away for that... lol...

Every Man has his Breaking Point
Quote by Ellis “Red” Redding, The Shawshank Redemption

Image by imgix.bustle.com

Yesterday, I read an interesting, short post by @pele23 where he shared good news from Belgium that banks don't charge negative interest rates anymore... Now, people who keep savings in the banks don't get anything, and luckily, don't have to pay additional money for savings!

How crazy sounds that? I still remember the time when I put my first earned money in the bank and got a 10% APR on top of that... After a year or two, it went down to 8%... then 7%... and until the point where we had a situation where banks charge negative interest rates... Does that remind you of something?

Image by tenor.com

The first thing that comes to my mind is that story about "cooking the frog"... Where you put a frog in water and slowly raise the water temperature... It's nice and cozy for it, and the frog doesn't get until the end that it will be cooked... Well, the same happened with banks... We have allowed them to COOK US!

Now, how the heck did I connect banks and frogs with The Shawshank Redemption quote? :) I truly believe in that quote that every man has his breaking point, but that also can be applied to people in general... Charging negative interest rates is insolence, and paying 0 interest also... Especially in the situation, we have at the moment... There is no country in the world where inflation is under 10% (real numbers... not rigged ones...)... That means that your money is worth less every next day that you get up from bed...

If you think that "they" think about you, and that it's easy to return the inflation to 2-3%, you are very, very wrong... Yes, wages will go up, but they will NEVER go faster than inflation, and you will be screwed, and poorer... Until one point... Until the breaking point when the majority of the people will realize that banks aren't your "saviors" and there is a time to make a change...

At that moment, it will be too late to make some money in crypto as everyone will do it... Your mother, grandfather... and banks... There will be some breadcrumbs, but not for everyone...

So, the time is NOW! Accumulate crypto, and pick carefully tokens that have a future, that can survive harsh times... After that, it's time to enjoy the wind in your hair, like Andy in the GIF below...

Image by tenor.com

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Let's get back to the #MyHiveGoals and numbers for the last week... I would like to accumulate these tokens faster, but I suppose that that also has its limits... 😀

screenshot from hivestats.io

I have mentioned in my #HivePUD post that I have noticed that the ORCA rank minimum isn't 54K Hive Power as it was at the beginning of the year, but rather 55K, so I have changed that number in my yearly goals table that you can find below... As it was the 1st of the month, I powered up my regular 1K HIVE, but also added more during the week... So, all in all, my Hive Power is bigger for 1400 HIVE than last week!

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LEO Power goal is going smoothly forward... When I restarted my content creation, my LEO tokens began to accumulate faster... As I have some "spillover" from the last month, after just a couple of days in September, I'm already close to hitting my monthly goal!

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When I created the yearly goal for the WORKERBEE and BEE tokens, I thought that it will be a boring goal as these tokens are "just" miners and mining tokens... But, they are a lot more than just that as almost every week, something happens around them... :) This week, I have added another 50 WORKERBEE tokens to my stake and that goal is progressing nicely...

The news was regarding the BEE tokens... If you had liquidity in the most popular diesel pools on Hive-Engine, you have probably noticed that your APR went down a lot (in some cases to zero)... That happened because the BEE rewards have expired and new rewards weren't added to the pools...

In some way, that could be good news for BEE token holders as there is no additional minting of BEE tokens! But, on the other side, BEE rewards were some kind of additional incentive for people to provide liquidity... Without that, there is a possibility that people will remove liquidity and sell their BEE bags, which could push the price down even further... What scenario will happen, we will see in the next few days...

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I have blended some cards in the RISING STAR game, so my number of NFTs didn't go up as usual... I have added 92 of them in the last 7 days...

The last goal for this report is the SPS tokens goal from Splinterlands... As I have already reached the goal, I said to myself that I will not add more tokens to my stake and I have even unstake some... But, the unstaking period last 4 weeks (or more, not sure about it) and I earn more (staked) tokens from battles during the week than my unstaking amount... So, the number of staked tokens is still going up! 😃

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It's time to update the numbers and put them into the spreadsheet until the next week! So, freshly updated numbers for #MyHIVEGoals, on August 28th, 2022 are:


Join us in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! You can find the original post about the challenge by @robwillmann here.

Thank you for your time,


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The link to my initial 2022 Goals Edition is here...

These are my initial goals for 2022 created on January 2nd, 2022:


Update 06.02.2022.
BEE POWER 2500 --> 3500
RISING STAR NFTs 5555 --> 6000
Update 04.09.2022.
HIVE POWER 54000 --> 55000 (ORCA rank minimum went up)

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If you want to support my witness, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here https://tribaldex.com/witnesses, or just scan the QR code down below...


Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


My gaming goals include finding time to play games 🔫

hehehe... that's a good reason to do gaming goals! It forces you to take a break, relax, and play some games... 😃


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Thanks for suggesting the movie and thanks for the tip by the way.

Oh, you can go wrong with The Shawshank Redemption! One of my favorites of all time!
Thanks for checking out my post! Appreciate it!


Negative interest rates are the worst thing banks can do to undermine confidence in the banking system. It's crazy how long it took for that to be lifted.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are living in crazy times when unexplainable and abnormal things can be accepted as normal... But, it happened in the past and it happens again... Circle of life...


Charging negative interest rates is insolence, and paying 0 interest also... Especially in the situation, we have at the moment...

Completely agree!

And that's one of the reasons why I love decentralization and the blockchain world that are totally different from the centralized world that is more and more oppressive and "expensive" even when you should be getting a reward instead of paying fees.

You are also absolutely right when you say it is time to accumulate.

Otherwise you have great goals and have made great progress.
I also want to become an orca but it will take me much longer than you who are close to your goal.
I wish you to reach your goals sooner than expected.

@tipu curate

Thanks for your kind words and wishes! To be honest, I did some accumulation before, stacking some H-E tokens and that helps a lot in faster progress with my goals...

the centralized world that is more and more oppressive

You find perfect words to explain it... It's more and more oppressive and those who obey got enslaved... I'm also grateful that we have cryptocurrencies and blockchain tech as an alternative...


If you had liquidity in the most popular diesel pools on Hive-Engine, you have probably noticed that your APR went down a lot (in some cases to zero)... That happened because the BEE rewards have expired and new rewards weren't added to the pools...

Thanks! I didn't know what caused that interruption of rewards in some diesel pools. And it's true, I made some small moves based on that. Which turned out to be correct.

I had some nice positions in the pools with BEE tokens and, unfortunately, I have noticed the difference in my earnings... :) Anyways, this could be a positive move for the BEE token, but we will see...


Great analogy with the 🐸! !LOL Keep up the good work with your goals.

The inventor of autocorrect has died
His funnel is tomato

Credit: reddit
@ph1102, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @mypathtofire

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Sometimes it's hard to follow my own thoughts... lol...
Thanks for your words of encouragement!


hhaha! yeah I can imagine it happens sometimes! !WINE

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