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RE: Growth, Lower Hive Upvotes, FUD .:. Walk & Talk Series

in LeoFinance • last year

But to complain about it is not that good either. If you want to get more I guess you better buy more hive so that you can self vote with big value (frown upon 😃).

Hahahaha... well that type of upvotes isn't appreciated... But, others will appreciate it if you upvote them and maybe check your content too... 😉

But, in this case, it wasn't that... It was more the USD value that is shown under the post... It was lower but with the same number of upvotes... So, I have explained to the person that it's just the USD value, and the HIVE amount is still probably the same...

If that is not the case, then we have to be very grateful for the upvote value that we get and always do better next time. : )

100% agree with you! Be grateful and do better!