Growth, Lower Hive Upvotes, FUD .:. Walk & Talk Series

in LeoFinance11 months ago

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After recording this video, I read somewhere a comment about how people are creating a lot of content about HIVE and how that content shouldn't be promoted and curated... I remember that I was seeing a lot of content like that before, but lately, I don't... And if I see it, it is usually some "superficial post" about how HIVE is great and everyone should do it...

I know that the technical side of HIVE is complicated and not everyone has time (or will) to dive deep and explore it, but that doesn't mean that we have to "hide" that information from people who want to know that... And sometimes, it is hard to find specific information about HIVE... Even, as an experienced Hivian, I had problems finding details about HBD creation, inflation, etc...

As there are no "rules to HIVE", it's important to know how it works, and maybe to give some guidelines to people... For example, yesterday I saw a post where the author was complaining about how he is getting less worthy upvotes lately and how he will not reach his goals because of that... That's one of the misconceptions about HIVE rewards... The value that you see under your post is represented in UDS and if HIVE is valued less, that amount will be lower... But, your amount of earned HIVE will stay more-less the SAME!

As a matter of fact, when we are having a "hard time" in crypto, fewer people are creating and your posts can potentially get more rewards than usual! That's why experienced Hivians are always recommended to people to create content in hard times... You accumulate tokens much faster... Not only on HIVE but buying cheap tokens in which you believe for a long term...

That topic, some other thoughts about growth in the bear market, and some views about the FUD around Binance and Coinbase you can find in the video... It's just me walking and vlogging with you...

Thank you for your valuable time,


Liotes Divider Blue.png

Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

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it's time to accumulate hive fractions ^^

I can't remember buying some crazy amounts of HIVE, but slowly accumulating and good and bad was the easiest for me... and it worked out... ;)

At least The Kraken seems unaffected which seems strange. It is a good reminder to try and stay invested and keep accumulating during this bear market. Things will rebound, they always do.. usually. :)

I think that Kraken already paid some fine not that long time ago... But, in any case, there will be exchanges always... It's good money and these guys will not give up... One door is closing, the other is opening...

For example, yesterday I saw a post where the author was complaining about how he is getting less worthy upvotes lately and how he will not reach his goals because of that.

I know we might feel a little bit disappointed when the post we made with heart doesn't get the upvote value that we think we deserved. But to complain about it is not that good either. If you want to get more I guess you better buy more hive so that you can self vote with big value (frown upon 😃).

If that is not the case, then we have to be very grateful for the upvote value that we get and always do better next time. : )

But to complain about it is not that good either. If you want to get more I guess you better buy more hive so that you can self vote with big value (frown upon 😃).

Hahahaha... well that type of upvotes isn't appreciated... But, others will appreciate it if you upvote them and maybe check your content too... 😉

But, in this case, it wasn't that... It was more the USD value that is shown under the post... It was lower but with the same number of upvotes... So, I have explained to the person that it's just the USD value, and the HIVE amount is still probably the same...

If that is not the case, then we have to be very grateful for the upvote value that we get and always do better next time. : )

100% agree with you! Be grateful and do better!

Always interesting to hear your thoughts, especially when we think alike on most things about Hive. Interesting to note that only 20% of the global transactions will be affected anyway, nothing much to be fearful about.

Yeah, it is ONLY 20%, but we have some master-propaganda people in charge that are experts in creating FUD... :)

I guess this is the best time to accumulate some tokens becaue the price will be mooning soon
Also, I hope that Binance comes out clean

When you check the current LEO price evolution, you can "predict" what will happen with HIVE... It was easy to accumulate LEO while it was down, now, it's harder and harder... The same happens with HIVE..

The way I have been working hard for the past six months now you can see my post, I will continue to work hard and will definitely succeed in the near future.

Consistency is the key... Results will come if you deliver quality content...

Yeah you are right. I will try my best.

When the prices are down, you can accumulate more hive, Hard times have the power to change your future. I am trying my level best to create quality content.

Hard times create future leaders... I suppose that quality content comes with practice, and by doing it... Like everything else in life..

I also see many people who write about hive and get curated, i think it's easy to publish such content which is already known but such article help newbie to understand the hive!!!

What do you say about it??

I agree that it could help a newbie and that's the reason why I do it by sharing my experience on HIVE and giving small "tips" on what is appreciated and what is not... I'm not giving any rules as there is no such thing, but guidelines on what is doing better...

I would say that other niche content (not HIVE related) is more appreciated at the moment... Not saying it's good or bad, just sharing my view and perception about that...

Yes, giving guidelines are always appreciative and a good work. It's good that you also share your experience about Hive.

Indeed, a Hiveian should focus on how much HIVE or HBD they are rewarded from a post. When the price of HIVE drops, it is best time to get HIVE ;)

I follow the rule: Accumulate Hive when the price is low, and accumulate HBD when price of HIVE is high... :)

Yes, dollar valuations are not what matters now, post 2024, you can begin observing the dollar valuation.

Hehehehe... I like how you fixed your positive (bull) thinking in 2024! 😃

I definitely agree. We are still earning the same number of Hive. It all adds up over time and I see a lot of people are still fixated on the HBD or price attached to a post. Showing up each day is the key to success and it all adds up. To do so, enjoy the process and I do that by engaging with others.

I see a lot of people are still fixated on the HBD or price attached to a post.

Yup... And that comment from a newbie person was a confirmation of that... Thinking in USD values will keep you in the USD world... I suppose that's the trap where many stay in the same place...

It is in the bear markets where money is made that should not be forgotten by anyone. Besides being in Hive is fun, the rewards should be secondary.

Besides being in Hive is fun, the rewards should be secondary.

When people would understand that, they would earn more money from HIVE... 😃


Thanks for the token!

Thanks for sharing

Hey @ph1102, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

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