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RE: One Of My Passive Incomes : Calculation HBD Saving Interest APR %

in LeoFinance2 years ago

If we deduct the current, huge inflation of 8+%, we get the same APR on HBD as we have before, 12% :)
If they screw the inflation, even more, we will lose wealth with 20% APR... :(

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Please more explain it.

HBD is pegged to USD and there is inflation in the US which is over 8% at the moment... Inflation evaluates money and that's what I meant to say... You have 20% more USD/HBD in your account, but because of inflation, you can't buy the same stuff that you could before for the same amount of money...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, Right!
Inflation is worse in Myanmar. Commodity prices are rising by about 40%.