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RE: Votes Now Over Dust

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Also, for any newbies that are not familiar, @dustsweeper is a service where you send them a small amount of Hive or HBD, and they hold it as a balance for you and upvote any below-dust-threshold posts/comments in order to get them over the top; you can choose only to upvote your incoming (so, when others upvote your posts/comments but it's not above the threshold), or your outgoing (if your votes are below the threshold), or both, and which to prioritize. Check them out, I've been using their service for years. :) They'll also alert you when your balance is low so you're sure to continue the vote-saving.


Just going to add that. Don't upvote your own comments, its a bad behavior and may result in downvotes :)

Also, take a look at @dustbunny, they do something similar but you have to be whitelisted and don't have to send hive or hbd

I didn't realize there were two dust services lol nice. I like the one you don't have to pay for personally lol

Thanks, yeah that's one of the ways! I don't know how much it's worth it, from an incoming rewards to outgoing payment perspective. Any idea? I appreciate the info for new folks though! I've gotten some sponsors in the dust thing once or twice so I remember it, I've never sent them funds to help me out though.

I don't know how to figure that kind of thing, but if you go into the Discord server and type $stats username, it'll tell you what your balance is, how much dust you have saved incoming vs outgoing, things like that.

Cool thanks! I’ll check it out, I see one of the dust things here and there so it would be good to figure out if I’ve got a balance lol