@phortun´s Monday tipping contest #95: guess the price of Hive and win 5 Hive

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Welcome to the 95th round of my Monday tipping contest where you can guess the price of Hive in seven days and win 5 Hive from me.


If you want to join this round of the contest, submit your guess on what the price of Hive will be next Monday (October 24) at exactly 11:00 A.M. Central European Time (CET).

  • Please round your guess to 3 decimal digits (for example: $0.456 or $0.800).

  • You can submit your guesses until Friday (October 21), 11:00 A.M. CET.

  • Only one guess per person, no editing.

The ending Hive price for the contest will be taken from coingecko.com and proved with a screenshot taken from their website next Monday at 11:00 A.M. CET.

The winner (fastest correct or closest tip) will win 5 Hive from me.

I am looking forward to checking out your entries :) Good luck everyone!

Check out the ranking of the most successful participants of the contest!

Rank Name Number of wins
2. - 3.@deepresearch5
2. - 3.@rebe.torres125
4. - 7.@krakonos4
4. - 7.@jjprac4
4. - 7.@yova4
4. - 7.@eii4
9. - 22.@borran 2
9. - 22.@shashiprabha 2
9. - 22.@maxili632
9. - 22.@gingbabida2
9. - 22.@crazy-andy2
9. - 22.@necho412
9. - 22.@jorgebgt2
9. - 22.@faithetim2
9. - 22.@miriammarga2
9. - 22.@maylenasland2
9. - 22.@dswigle2
9. - 22.@rosauradels2
9. - 22.@jhonnygo2
9. - 22.@olympicdragon2
23. - 51.@liltammy 1
23. - 51.@dronegraphica 1
23. - 51.@mastersa 1
23. - 51.@tulio77 1
23. - 51.@lavanyalakshman 1
23. - 51.@minhaz007 1
23. - 51.@oresteg1
23. - 51.@rokhani1
23. - 51.@bntcamelo1
23. - 51.@coingecko1
23. - 51.@katrin-lux1
23. - 51.@trangbaby1
23. - 51.@firstcoast1
23. - 51.@jfang0031
23. - 51.@oldmans1
23. - 51.@fronttowardenemy1
23. - 51.@tazi1
23. - 51.@jedenjenda1
23. - 51.@aleksandra.mart1
23. - 51.@taliakerch1
23. - 51.@a-alice1
23. - 51.@crazy-bee1
23. - 51.@yeckingo11
23. - 51.@femcy-willcy1
23. - 51.@nenio1
23. - 51.@worldstories1
23. - 51.@vaipraonde1
23. - 51.@maarnio1
23. - 51.@tokutaro221

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Sport, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)



Nice contest I will look forward to participate on this very one

Cool, where is your guess? :)

Great contest, do I just comment my guess under this post as the entry or I have to write a post for that?

Just comment here like other participants ;) Btw make sure to round your guess to 3 decimal digits.

Okay, thanks

Nice contest!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think my guess 0.525$

Hello @phorthun thanks you for being so generous and doing so much contest for the community!!

My guess for the hive price is 0,505

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I have to admit @phortun - I am feeling pretty optimistic! Yes?

My guess is $0.672


oooh, you're a full-time HIVER, I shall follow you and I'm in like shin.

Hive price in 7 days will be $0.511 Murican.

Thanks for joining the challenge and for the follow, good luck with your guess! :)

Fulltime Hiver? Well, that´s what my profile says and what I still consider myself as I don´t have any other real gigs but in these severe bear times, being a fulltime Hiver can be very very frustrating :D Unless you live in one of those super cheap locations (which I´m not right now).



Hmmm, let's say 0.532 🙏

Buen dia amigos de esta comunidad para mi sera 0.521

Congratulations to the winner.I will be here next time.

Cool :) I will be looking forward to your participation.

I will try my luck.


Dear @vaipraonde,
Your support for the current Hive Authentication Services proposal (#194) is much appreciated but it has expired a few days ago!
May I ask you to review and support the new proposal (https://peakd.com/me/proposals/240) so I can continue to improve and maintain this service?
You can support the new proposal (#240) on Peakd, Ecency,

Hive.blog / https://wallet.hive.blog/proposals
or using HiveSigner.

Thank you!

revisited and supported!

Thank you for your support @vaipraonde, really appreciate it! 👍