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RE: Why do you want to be rich?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Financial freedom. Independence from others is at the top of my priorities.
Using the wealth to become self sustainable in a post world War 3 apocalypse.

I have very low expectations for this race, this virus almost ruined half the developed world, so I am not feeling very confident yet to have some faith in trusting others.


Lmao. I feel you on this one. Ost world war 3 will be fucking disastrous. If shit goes bad, then I hope I'm just dead anyway

lol lets go jump into the artic ocean in protest of the war and make a live stream for hive LOL Im with you there, why would I want to be alive to harm another human being, lol I dont even want to wait in line at the coffee shop talking with them, totally will pass on fighting them to the death too!