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RE: Sweden: Like a BOSS

in LeoFinance4 years ago

There is Public Notices for all provinces, sign if you agree with the claims, its a notice not a petition to be forgiving to people who were under duress when having to make these decisions and will need to whistle blow on who ever was pressuring them into action without good science to support the action.


To end all Declarations of Emergency in Canada due to lack of justifiable evidence made available on behalf of the Crown.

Our collective notice is a multi-step call to action (collective digital letter signing, emails and individual letter submission) that directly benefits from your support, continued engagement and desire to re-examine how to co-exist with government. Commitment to the entire process is not required to sign this initial Notice, but we hope you will consider signing up for the next steps.

Throughout this process we will invite you to re-examine and challenge the language we are presented with on a daily basis, how words have the ability empower or disempower us and how effective letter writing can hold the key to good government and your freedom.


A collective digital Notice to the Lieutenant Governors of the Ten Provinces and the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, with the Governor General of Canada in Copy, requesting disclosure of all medical evidence and jurisprudence that was used to declare the initial Provincial and Territorial emergencies, as well as the the ongoing evidence that ensures their continued renewal.


I'm sick of the state of permanent emergency...... thanks for the link, I signed the notice.

I figured you might appreciate at, it was the only good news I got today, lol was threatened with a 1200 fine in Canmore Alberta for not having a mask on in a public indoor facility.

Hahah, laaaaame. Good on you for not wearing a facediaper of submission.

I have a mask with me at all times too, I just refuse to put it on, I have even mentioned I have a mask to some people and dont need their "free mask" because I am independent and have rights thanks. Then some even ask what rights ???? LOL

Oh gee I dunno, maybe the right to Liberty, which is doing as I please as long as I'm not harming others or taking away their Liberty. Until somebody can prove to me that I'm harming them by not wearing a mask, my right to Liberty comes before any other consideration. If they're not down with personal freedom, like most statists, I just don't have anything to do with them.
The chains here are all mandatory masks, so I haven't been back. The smaller shops are still mask optional for the most part.

Its very obvious this was an attack vector used against small home based business and the private sector in general, regardless if that was the orignal plan, that attack was executed.

I told Wal Mart I have money for another store I guess and turned around from the security check point lol, this shit is funny on one level, those people must feel so dumb when they go home at night