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RE: What Are Your Current Financial Worries?

in LeoFinance2 months ago

So, if you are sick, you are essentially a pawn in the game.

I totally agree. The medical system will exploit you without minding, only few have the mercy attitude in them. They assumed you will definitely spend when it comes to recovering fully and whole again. No one wants to be sick because it takes a whole lot, but life happens. We cannot expect not to be sick and this takes our savings down. We just have to keep pushing.

One thing I believe: God will always take care of His children which you are one. I wish you the best and also to be in a good state of health.


It's how it is everywhere in the world but worse in some places like maybe UK, the US and even Nigeria. The goal is to majorly extract more money from people and make them dependent on the system. I heard about the money one needs to book an ambulance in the US and the amount was unbelievable.
Life happens, some people are just not lucky enough.

I heard about the money one needs to book an ambulance in the US and the amount was unbelievable.

Yes, I heard it too and I was like, "WTF! That's too outrageous of a price. Just to call an ambulance ooo" may God help us.

Thank you for the kind words