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RE: LeoThread 2023-05-15 05:40

I have been reading a book titled "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie. I will be sharing one of the principles I love in #threadstorm.

Accompanying it with a short story to inspire us. Keep reading.

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The principle is that, Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.

An old saying: Give a dog a bad name and you may as well hang him. But give him a good name and see what happens

The story 👇

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In the book, there was a story of a servant girl from a hotel who brought meals to customers. She was called "Marie the Dishwasher". She was kind of a monster, cross-eyed, bandy-legged, poor in flesh and spirit.

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This got people to get scared of her and detest the kind of person she was. One day, a woman came to eat and Marie served her. The woman looked up and said to her, "Marie, you do not know what treasures are within you."


I like that you're reading self development books.

Yes, those books are amazing and inspirational. Since the beginning of this year, I have been reading some great books as I determined to do so in year 2023. How are you doing?

I read one book like this towards the ending of last year and it totally changed my way of reasoning.

I'm doing okay, how are you dong.

Just like I read "The Richest Man in Babylon" in December and I learnt the method that says, "10% of what I earn is mine to keep". Since that day, I took savings so seriously. This is why I don't joke with these kinds of books.

So the book talks about consistent saving of 10%?

Yes. It emphasizes on the need to save and be wise with money.

Oh.. I need to read it!

Yes, you should.

Marie, holding back her emotion, waited for a few moments as she was trying not to risk the slightest gesture for fear of catastrophe. She put the dish on the table, sighed and said, "Madame, I would have never believed it."

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She did not doubt or dare to ask a question. She went back to the kitchen and repeated what the woman had said to her. That word was the force of faith that no one made fun of her. From that day on, she was given a certain...

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...consideration. Marie believed truly that there were some treasures in her yet to be revealed and she began taking care of herself- body and face that made her starved youth bloomed and modestly hide her plainness.

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Two months later, she announced her coming marriage with the nephew of the chef. That small phrase had changed her entire life.

Moral of the story: You should appreciate people instead of criticising and...

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...and condemning them. The woman praised Marie and she never believed it. People will change when we praise them than making them lose their self-courage through condemnation.
Thanks for your time reading.

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Sounds like good content.
We all need to do this a bit better.

Yes, it is a good one. This makes people happy when we praise them.

This book!!! It's so powerful. I think I might have to read it again

I love that book. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

Yes, I love the book too. Such a good and great book. Thank you 👍 😊