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RE: Calling all Hive game devs to update your Dappradar info.

in LeoFinancelast year

I believe the issue with dappradar was they needed to run a node. I asked about this almost a year ago in the Hive engine discord.
That or they wanted some reimbursement for pulling the data.

I forget, but the numbers they have I have no idea where they pull them from.


I wonder...

From what their rep said it didn't seem as if there was a huge amount of work involved. No mention of money or nodes.

Since they have up to date splinterlands information they must have access to hive data at some access point?

Would you try to claim your app on their dev portal? See if it can be done or if there is a stumbling block. I'm happy to chase up the hive engine team or splinterlands team if there is a stumbling block that we can overcome. But since I don't have an app or the abilty to code anything i would need somebody to try it first and see where the issue is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't even know if the SPL numbers are valid. Maybe they are now?
Maybe it was Crimsonclad? I ran into a message about this a while ago.
I have a connection with their team, I'll see what they say.

Sounds good.
If you can keep me in the loop i would appreciate it and try to get this issue fixed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta