Table's turned in the battle ground.....

in LeoFinance26 days ago

Copy of battle field.png

When you are in the lower league in Splinterlands, the battles in the playground are not that much entertaining. On the other hand, there are certain battles which sort of give you entertainment during the game play. That being said, the battle which I am sharing is somehow intriguing.


Couple of mistakes which occurred in the battle for both of us in the battle. The rule precisely mentioned COUNTERSPELL, with a manacap of 44. Both of us found water splinter as the best available deck for this gameplay. The first mistake that both of us made were choosing the Magic monsters in the gameplay. Even though the rule clearly stated magic attacks will not be a very good choice in this particular rule set. Who would want to get their health lost in a battle and that even in a situation such as this. Although, I was planning to get the best out of the situation because Magic attacks is acting like a double edged sword but my magic monsters would be able to do +9 damage all together in a single round. Even after taking return damages due to the reflection rule set my opponent would take enough damage and my other monsters would do the rest of the task.

Coming to the battle. If I am being honest, at first glance I thought, this is it for me. As the way my opponent selected his monster it was pretty damn good. If he/she had some leveled up cards in this particular battle, the scenario would have been a lot different. But either way, it was a pretty neat match to get some nice vibe due to the match. I selected my battle strategies in such a way where there would be maximum damage in the battle in both magic and melee attacks.
As tank I selected DIEMONSHARK due to its shield, health, retaliate and melee attacks. Not to forget that it has Enrage and Trample ability which did a very enticing job in the battle. As you can see in the gameplay it was pretty good until it was taken out by my opponent. In the second position I selected Flying Squid due to its reach ability. Apart from its all other abilities this was the prime reason for selecting in this position. Also it has +3 melee attack. This gave some additional benefit in the battlefield.

Now comes the mistakes, Nerissa with +5 Magic attack to the opponent. Since my opponent somehow predicted that I would go with magic attack it came prepared. Using Djinn Oshanus as tank making my magic attack become less useful to me. Well, this is where my melee attack monsters did their job.

Image source
My opponent somehow predicted my move and came up with a brilliant move. He/she came up with a wise decision of using Djinn as tank. Void and forcefield did a very good job for my opponent in Djinn. While my primary concern was with Darc Deadblast. It enhanced Baakjira by giving it some additional magic attacks due to its Weapons Training ability. This was concerning to me as I was expecting it would be hassle when it comes up in front of the battle. As it is a very lethal weapon if it can be put down in a wise lineup. Also the concerning matter was it t comes up during the third or fourth round in the battle my few monsters would be taken out and it would be difficult to support my other monsters in the battle. But either way this battle was well worth it.

Like I said, there are not many battles which are entertaining in this particular league. But when it arrives it gives some nice vibes from playing. Also not to forget the outcome of the battle would have been pretty concerning if my opponent had some leveled up cards in its fortress. But either way, it was not really an amazing battle but well worth sharing the details of the match with all of you!

Best regards

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