What if our investments 10x-20x from here

in LeoFinancelast year

The present bear market was one of the best teacher for us to show how we should run things during the bull market. To start with finance, lets say if we had enough to take care of us during this bear market, than this bear market would have been a gold mine for us all to make the best use of it. While who knows this bear market could have been the last one for us and in future all we had to do was just sit back and relax. Crazy things seems to happen in crypto. And these sudden millionaires also happens during this bear markets.

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Keeping that aside lets talk about all the possibilities which would arise when we get to see another bull market in the coming days. Whatever we own at this point, would probably see an increase in terms of dollar value and that scenario is pleasant to watch. Make no mistake a bull run is just a word and a show to witness if we do not hold any significant tokens/coins in our portfolio. It is as if we are just a spectator who is at the gallery and watching the show from out there, instead of being a part of it.

At current scenario there are content creators who are creating contents on a regular basis. But compared to the rewards that they are achieving has reduced. When it comes to HIVE as a reward that number has increased quite a lot but when we see HBD as a reward on a post that has significantly reduced. A a stable coin it has been one of the best option to obtain even in this bear market. But lets say when HIVE reaches a new ATH. Probably, $5 to begin with, the post rewards that are being seen as of now, they could get more than we can expect. Yes, this proposition of price is quite insignificant but bull markets can be crazy and we have seen some inexquisite incidents regarding the price of cryptos.

What I am implying is Hive at 30 cents is a disaster to watch but do not forget we have seen HIVE less than 10 cents and we have survived through that and this situations of bear market are indeed tough but when bulls hits the market things change quite drastically. Your $1 worth of post can easily move to 10-20x when HIVE gets to see a pump.

Few expected scenarios

Now lets say we are in the bull market and we are are able to see what many of us have predicted but at the end of the day, we do not own any crypto in our portfolio, we are just wasting our time during those moments. I do not want to do that. Now this can happen due to several reasons, some might say they are out of funds, while some might say we do not have a choice but to sell crypto during bear season. And yes, nothing can be done in these sort of situation but if you are reading this post, you are already gifted with a HIVE account. Get out there and do what you can best.

While on the other hand, content creators who are earning pennies now are probably accumulating HIVE and they are increasing their stake in this platform. Hive at 30 cents does not sounds really intimidating but just think about the fact where it will be while we get to the bull market.

I am just stating this because things might really sound impossibile during this bear situation but we have seen how things really go during bulls. Thus better prepare for it and do what we can while we can. As there will come a time when we will have no option at all but just regret. Keep growing and keep accumulating and just survive this bear! Good days are ahead of us!

Best regards

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Really good motivation! I also believe we will see higher Hive prices again and my target for next bullrun is 5-10$. Question is WHEN we might see that. Think we will have to wait 1-2 more years. What do you think?

I think it will reach these values ​​in 1.5-2 years.

Fingers crossed 🤞🏻

I really think the next bull run is going to be something else entirely. Well more like nothing that the world has ever seen. And as for HIVE, we definitely will see a rise in terms of price in the next bull market. I am expecting anywhere near $3-$6 in another two or three years and if everything goes as planned we may as well go beyond that price in the next coming years ;)

Hope we all get to a decent place in HIVE (in terms of assets) and enjoy the bull run!

We definitely will 👍🏻📈

thanks for the hopium ;).

thank you for your vote spinterlands in my post

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