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RE: Travala's rewards dropped to 12% APY - Just pulled MY BEP pool (temporarily)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I think I go up to L4 which is something I hadn't expected. Is the lockup 30 days? I thought it was shorter than that?

But yes I'm glad I pulled my pool for now although the AVA price has still gone up overnight.

I'm annoyed, that was a nice little earner that pool!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm not sure if it is 30 days to deactivate or 30 days to change the level.

4.9 By participating in the Smart Program, you agree to a minimum of 30 days before you can deactivate. Once deactivated, you will have to wait a further 30 days before you can reactivate the Smart Program for your Account. The AVA Tokens used for the activation of the Smart Program cannot be withdrawn or used for payment and will be locked in your Wallet for the duration of the Smart Program being active. If you choose to deactivate the Smart Program for your Account, the AVA Tokens will be returned to the available balance in your Wallet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I dunno it sounds like you can take them out straight away if you've had them locked for 30 days?!?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It could be but is not clear.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta