A walk up Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon)

in LeoFinance5 months ago

After 50 years more or less of living in the UK I finally walked up Snowdon the other day, the highest point in Wales, and the highest point in England and Wales.

Or to give it its Welsh name: Yr Wyddfa, but just don't ask me to pronounce it!

Technically it's a mountain, but only just, topping out at 1085 meters.

The way up

We opted for the easiest and most popular path up... the llanberis path, and even though this was mid Feb it was still pretty popular, we could always see other people ahead and behind and overtook a few on the way up, and were passed quite a lot both on the way up and down, the later being odd as we started fairly late at about 10.30.

The way up...


Getting towards the top

We were lucky with the weather, it was sunny and quite mild for February, but with some cloud at the top when we were going up, which hid all the snow towards the peak.

By the time we'd crossed under the second railway tunnel (there's a train that goes nearly all the way to the summit, it only runs in late Spring to early Autumn), it got VERY windy and there was snow on the ground, so quite slippery, and the walk went from pleasant to a bit grim.

We were VERY glad I'd remembered at the last minute to take some gloves, but there were plenty people out there without them. People defo underestimate how changeable the weather can be from bottom to top...


At the summit and back down

I had to go up to very pinnacle, it was actually quite scary due to the wind and I wasn't the only one to come down those steps on my arse rather than walking...


We didn't hang around at the top it was too cold, neither did the other 40 odd people milling around, and a lot of us opted to head down the rail tracks on the way back, so much easier than slipping and sliding all the way back down.

We rejoined the main path at that second railway tunnel, stopped for lunch, and the way down was easy!

Obvs I had my garmin going...

It helped as a record of how far the top was, I knew the distance of the path. Total time 4.5 hours, I knew the guides were exaggerating with 5-7 hours, we are just fitter and faster than the usual person.

All in all it was a great trip, helped that we stayed in a pod just 10 mins walk away from the trailhead, found on good old air B and B for a cheap rate of £60 a night too, hit me up if you want the link.

We lucked out with good weather in winter, so it was relatively quiet, I think this would be awful in summer when it's just rammed!

You could run up this too without too much trouble having walked it, maybe some walking bits towards the top, but it's a pretty easy hike over all!!!


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Great work climbing Snowdon. Do you take on ‎Scafell Pike next? My attempt at donig the 3peaks challenge was twarted many years ago when there was flooding the weekend we planned to climb.

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Shame about the flooding. I think I may have done Scafell - not sure I think so haven't done Ben Nevis.

Shld get out for more of these really! Must get back to Snowdonia for sure!

Nice hike! And so few people. Was the train closed? I remember when I went up there it was quite busy. We took a wrong turn at the base and ended up going via Crib Goch. That was quite a bit more exciting than anticipated and we barely made it on time :D

The train was closed yes! How did you manage to make a wrong turn...? The llanberis path just follows the rail line!

We came from the other side, were very very tired and not too focused. It was the last of the three peaks and we were on our feet close to 24 hours at that point. But still pretty dumb indeed 😅

Oh no if yr knackered that's different - you must have been relieved to get back!

Wow, that's was really awesome and captivating. Can you please beckon to come over please 🥺🥺. Hahaha 😂

It was a great day! Cheers!

NIce hike, very chilly weather. I live where it never gets below 50F, so 0 would be a tad bit much, but maybe wth the right gear...
Though we love mountains and it would be good fun to get dressed up in winter gear and give it a go, especially if we could take the train back.
May I have the link for the Bed and Breakfast you stayed at?

It's very doable - here's the link - https://air.tl/Oa3YT0b9 probably about as close as you can get but anywhere in llanberis wld do!

What was the most challenging part of the hike for you?

Oh defo the final bit, steep and slippery up to the top!

I've yet to get up there despite going to Snowdonia a fair bit to see relatives. I'll have to remedy that some time. I have been up Ben Nevis. Always need to be prepared for bad weather on mountains.

Itr's very accessible - massive car parks 10 mins away!

That first photo is so beautiful! You bought me with it from the very beginning!
It looks like a great hiking trail... I suppose that it can be very pleasant in the summer, but luckily, you had a great weather in February!

We really lucked out with the weather it was a great day's hike!

When I was there, the fog was so thick I couldn't see further than 5 meters.

I could see how that cld happen! Excuse the pun!

Great stuff, I !LUV a good hike, it looks a bit colder than the 4 degrees Garmin picked up

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It was colder that must have been the average maybe, just below 0 at the top.

It would be a good experince to climb.such places. Did you have breathe problem at that height?

No it's too low for that - you need 10K feet to start feeling it!

Wow man that looks so high! You better fly there and not walk haha

Easy enough to walk!

congratulation for the summit. 1085m quite a altitude for hiking.

Just about a mountain, just!

Living in the UK for 50yrs is a whole lot. Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed the walk and the time you spent there
Nice one!

Such scenic places are very special and I myself like to visit such places very much. It happens that the rooms for accommodation here are expensive

Can't imagine how it is awesome 👍😎

I'm a bit jealous man, that looks like an awesome hike rewarded with some amazing views at the end.

They always overstate the duration, It happens here too, I think as they average it out at a certain walking speed, I guess. I always come in at a faster time as do most although I understand the exaggerated time frame for those who may walk a little slower.

That third image looks like a scene from Game of Thrones when they went to capture the white walker north of the wall.

The difference between top and bottom was nuts - a lot of people coming back down looked a bit miserable - probably the ones with no gear - 90 mins at -2 ain't gonna kill you but without gloves in that wind it wldn't be pleasant!

I only bought a couple of pairs as an afterthought! But at least we had them!

Yeah, -2 for extended periods isn't fun. It looks like a great walk though, I'd love to do it.

I can recommend it for sure just not peak season!