Beer Saturday: Kingslayer Double IPA...

in LeoFinance3 months ago

I haven't done a Beer Saturday Post in a while, but I think this particular beer was worthy of a post as it was such a pleasant surprise - not only a novelty name but also a whopping 8% and it tasted GOOD! VERY GOOD!

I'd also never hear of a double IPA before, or DIPA for short.

Kingslayer Double IPA the can...

The beer is from Buxton Breweries and the can is pretty kitch, but I kind of like it, it certainly goes with the 8% strength!


A double IPA, apparently, isn't anything fancy, it just means it has been brewed with more hops and malt, so it's just bastard strong. Anything higher than 7.6% can classify as a double!

The pour, the look and tasting notes...

The beer was easy pouring and has a wonderful golden orange colour... quite unusual but very appealing! A gorgeous haziness too.

Oh and it's a heavy beer, weight wise, so there is a lot of mass in this, but it works! You probably don't want to be sessioning on it, I only had the one!


In terms of taste it was lovely and sweet, with citrus notes coming through, but not the kind of sweetness that was just there to hide the strength.

This was well balanced and just delicious.

The details...

Well it's Buxton Brewery, it's 8% and you can get it in Tesco!


Yes it's a supermarket beer!


I'm gonna give this a whopping 9/10, it was seriously a great drink!

I would certainly buy this again!

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I just read another beersaturday post. Must be a sign that I have not been drinking enough beer! Gonna have to try this one!

Also left this one on that post. Gonna go pick up some tonight.

Ghost in the Machine by Parish Brewing. Double IPA 8%. Pretty hoppy, moderately citrus, light in color but fairly filling/heavy.

One of my favorites!

Ooh Ghost sounds similar will have to try!

Ha! Was successful in my acquisition. Drinking it now :-)

I miss all the IPA craziness in the UK. Strong, fruity beer, and my daughter. Next month I will try to see both!

Well if yr over we shld meet up fr a few!

%8 is good for a beer. We have it only with dark beers here, which means including vodka.

It works! Very much recommended!