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RE: Crypto Raiders: A Great NFT Game on Polygon...

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I need to think about this.

It's hard to say when what was less than 5% of my crypto wealth suddenly becomes half, life Splinterlands.

Is that now too much give that it came up from nothing - I'm not taking too much out of there because the returns are better than anywhere else.

So I'm certainly comfortable having 50% in one 'pot' ATM.

And then about 35% across Hive/ BSC/ and then 15% smaller amounts in Rune/ Polygon/ Osmosis.

That's about right for me - 6 chains in total.

But I am on more than one platform on most of those! 90% of those assets are probably in around 10 platforms.

Anymore and I couldn't manage it.

If it wasn't for my 'small' diversification into Splinterlands, a game I don't even really enjoy playing that much TBH (I get bored after 10 minutes) I wouldn't have profited from that.

I'mm rambling, it's a big question - I don't feel like I'm compromising security by having so many pots though.

Everything on MetaMask is Trezor wrapped, for example.


Haha you're not rambling, it was quite the loaded question.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts mate :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's given me an idea for something to write about, not that I struggle with that, but an interesting idea!


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